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手动更新 Let's Encrypt SSL 证书

[英]Renew manually Let's Encrypt SSL certificate

My Let's Encrypt SSL certificate will expire in 0 day (not yet)...我的 Let's Encrypt SSL 证书将在 0 天后过期(尚未)...

I use it for a website in nginx & a ubuntu 14.04 server in DigitalOcean.我将它用于 nginx 中的网站和 DigitalOcean 中的 ubuntu 14.04 服务器。

I have found a folder /etc/letsencrypt/ , and in the server block:我找到了一个文件夹/etc/letsencrypt/ ,并在服务器块中:

ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/mysite.com/fullchain.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/mysite.com/privkey.pem;

However, I cannot find for example letsencrypt-auto但是,我找不到例如letsencrypt-auto

Does anyone know how to manually renew it?有谁知道如何手动更新它?

Actually, I don't remember how I generated the SSL certificate for the first time.实际上,我不记得我第一次是如何生成 SSL 证书的。 To renew it, by following this thread , I first installed cerbot :为了更新它,按照这个线程,我首先安装了cerbot

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install certbot

Then, I need to make sure the path and setting are correct as described in the thread.然后,我需要确保路径和设置正确,如线程中所述。 Then I did然后我做了

sudo certbot renew

That's it.就是这样。

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