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[英]use a seperate data file to read variables in groovy

I am trying to separate variables data from my actual script groovy file. 我正在尝试从实际的脚本常规文件中分离变量数据。

def test = [a,b,c]
def test2 = ['foo': [a,x,y], 'bar': [q,w,e]]

def function(String var){}
def function2 {
    item ->
print test


since my values in the variables are changing constantly but not the script. 因为变量中的值在不断变化,但脚本在变化。 How do I make my groovy read a variable file and load it during the runtime? 如何使Groovy读取变量文件并在运行时加载它?

I want it to look something like this maybe. 我希望它看起来像这样。

def test = [a,b,c]
def test2 = ['foo': [a,x,y], 'bar': [q,w,e]]

main.groovy 主沟

load ( variable.properties)

def function(String var){}
def function2 {
    item ->
print test


In Groovy, it is possible to evaluate data as Groovy code. 在Groovy中,可以将数据评估为Groovy代码。 This is a powerful technique. 这是一项强大的技术。 It is arguably a bit much for your goals, but would work. 可以说这对您的目标有很多帮助,但可以。

Consider this config.data file (it is a Groovy file but can be named anything): 考虑以下config.data文件(它是一个Groovy文件,但可以命名为任何文件):

test = ['a','b','c']
test2 = ['foo': ['a','x','y'], 'bar': ['q','w','e']]

and the App.groovy file. App.groovy文件。 It sets up a Binding of variables in a GroovyShell . 它在GroovyShell设置变量的Binding The Config is evaluated inside the shell, and we can reference the variables in the main app. Config在外壳内部进行评估,我们可以在主应用程序中引用变量。

def varMap = [:]
varMap["test"] = [] 
varMap["test2"] = [:] 

def binding = new Binding(varMap)
def shell = new GroovyShell(binding)

def function2 = { test, test2 ->
    test.each { println "test item: ${it}" }
    test2.each { println "test2 item: ${it}" }

// ------ main

// load Config and evaluate it
def configText = new File(args[0]).getText()

def test = varMap["test"] 
def test2 = varMap["test2"] 

function2(test, test2)

an example usage: 用法示例:

$ groovy App.groovy config.data 
test item: a
test item: b
test item: c
test2 item: foo=[a, x, y]
test2 item: bar=[q, w, e]

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