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[英]How can I build a Dagger-based Android library without forcing consuming applications to use Dagger?

I'm working on an Android library that is basically a client for some REST services I've written. 我正在开发一个Android库,它基本上是我编写的一些REST服务的客户端。 I have several storage classes, network queues, parsers, and so on, and like many such classes, they have dependencies on Context or on things like SharedPreferences that are constructed from Context . 我有几个存储类,网络队列,解析器等,并且像许多这样的类一样,它们依赖于Context或者从Context构造的SharedPreferences类的东西。 These objects are all hidden behind a facade class, so consumers of my library don't see them or interact with them directly. 这些对象都隐藏在facade类后面,因此我的库的使用者看不到它们或直接与它们交互。

For my own sanity, I would like to use Dagger 2 for dependency injection to manage instances of these classes INTERNALLY within my library. 为了我自己的理智,我想使用Dagger 2进行依赖注入,以便在我的库中管理这些类的实例。 However, I don't want to force apps using my library to use Dagger themselves; 但是,我不想强​​迫使用我的库的应用程序自己使用Dagger; just because I chose to use Dagger doesn't mean my users should have to. 仅仅因为我选择使用Dagger并不意味着我的用户应该这样做。

All the tutorials I've seen seem to expect that I'm building an application, not just a library. 我见过的所有教程似乎都期望我正在构建一个应用程序,而不仅仅是一个库。 Many of these tutorials tell me I should make my Application class inherit from DaggerApplication . 其中许多教程告诉我应该让我的Application类继承自DaggerApplication In my case, though, I don't have an Application (or any Activity or Service classes) in my library at all, and I don't want my users to have to use Dagger's base classes. 但就我而言,我的库中根本没有Application (或任何ActivityService类),我不希望我的用户必须使用Dagger的基类。

So how can I use Dagger without "leaking" it out of my library? 那么我如何才能使用Dagger而不将其“泄漏”出我的库? I've found a partial answer here , but I'm not sure how adapt the author's "wrapper" pattern to handle my dependency on Context . 我在这里找到了部分答案,但我不确定如何调整作者的“包装”模式来处理我对Context依赖。 Can I just pass a context into the wrapper's getComponent() method, or will Dagger be able to obtain a Context reference some other way? 我可以将上下文传递给包装器的getComponent()方法,还是Dagger能够以其他方式获取Context引用?

A library is almost like an Application (when it comes to Dagger). 几乎就像一个应用程序(当谈到Dagger时)。 Yes, you don't have an application object, but you don't really need one. 是的,你没有application对象,但你真的不需要它。

As a consumer of your Library, I expect it to be simple to use, so I don't want to know what dagger is at all (or if you internally use it). 作为图书馆的消费者 ,我希望它的使用简单,所以我不想知道匕首是什么(或者如果你在内部使用它)。

Let your users pass a Context when they call your library for the first time (for example). 让您的用户在第一次调用您的库时传递Context (例如)。 Have a DaggerInjector (I think your sample calls it wrapper) that has a static reference to your Component interface. 有一个DaggerInjector (我认为你的样本称之为包装器),它有一个对Component接口的静态引用。

Example (and as such, just a generic example): 示例(因此,只是一个通用示例):

public class DaggerInjector {

    private static YourComponent component;

    private DaggerInjector() {

    public static YourComponent getComponent() {
        return component;

    public static YourComponent buildComponent(Context context) {
        component = DaggerYourComponent
                .yourModule(new YourModule(context))
        return component;

Your “module” can look like: 您的“模块”可能如下所示:

public class YourModule {

    private Context context;

    public YourModule(Context context) {
        this.context = context;

    final Context providesContext() {
        return context;

To use it: 要使用它:

Have your users call a method (or you call it yourself the first time if the component is null): 让您的用户调用方法(或者如果组件为null,则第一次调用它):


This will ensure the Dagger component is initialized and the code is generated. 这将确保初始化Dagger组件并生成代码。 Understand that calling buildComponent is an expensive task (Dagger has to do a lot!) so only do it once (unless you need to re-initialize the library with different values known at runtime only). 理解调用buildComponent是一项昂贵的任务(Dagger必须做很多事情!)所以只做一次(除非您需要使用运行时已知的不同值重新初始化库)。

Some libraries simply ask for a context in every call, so that is not out of the question; 有些图书馆只是在每个电话中都要求一个上下文,所以这不是不可能的; you could, then, initialize dagger the first time you're called (by checking if getComponent() is null in the injector). 然后,你可以在第一次调用时初始化dagger(通过检查注入器中的getComponent()是否为null)。

After your DaggerInjector.getComponent() is not null anymore, you can now add @Inject and the appropriate "injectable" stuff… 在您的DaggerInjector.getComponent()不再为null之后,您现在可以添加@Inject和相应的“可注入”内容......

eg: in YourModule you could have: 例如:在YourModule你可以:

SomeObject providesSomeObject() {
    return new SomeObject();

// THIS “Context” here is automatically injected by Dagger thanks to the above.
SomeOtherObject providesSomeOtherObject(Context context) {
    return new SomeOtherObject(context); //assume this one needs it

and in any "injectable" object (that is, an object that has an inject method in your component…) you can do: 并且在任何“可注入”对象(即,在组件中具有inject方法的对象......)中,您可以执行以下操作:

public class AnObjectThatWantsToInjectStuff {

    SomeObject someObject;
    SomeOtherObject someOtherObject;

    public AnObjectThatWantsToInjectStuff() {

          // you can now use someObject and someOtherObject

For the above to work, you need in YourComponent (which is an Interface) code like this: 为了使上述工作,您需要在YourComponent (这是一个接口)代码中这样:

void inject(AnObjectThatWantsToInjectStuff object);

(otherwise calling DaggerInjector.getComponent().inject(this) will fail at compile time) (否则调用DaggerInjector.getComponent().inject(this)将在编译时失败)

Notice I never passed a context to YourInjectableContext , Dagger already knows how to obtain it. 注意我从未将上下文传递给YourInjectableContext ,Dagger已经知道如何获取它。

Be careful with leaks tho. 泄漏时要小心。 I recommend that you store context.getApplicationContext() instead of just plain Context for all/most cases (unless you explicitly need an Activity context for inflating layouts/theme purposes, the application context supplied by the consuming application is all you need). 我建议您为所有/大多数情况存储context.getApplicationContext()而不仅仅是普通的Context (除非您明确需要一个Activity上下文来扩展布局/主题目的,消费应用程序提供的应用程序上下文就是您所需要的)。

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