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docker.io 与 docker-ce 和 docker-ee(现在称为“Mirantis Kubernetes Engine”)的关系是什么?

[英]What is docker.io in relation to docker-ce and docker-ee (now called "Mirantis Kubernetes Engine")?

Previously, to install docker I would use以前,要安装 docker,我会使用

apt-get install docker.io

However, I have recently noticed the documentation for installing docker, and it uses docker-ce.不过,我最近注意到安装 docker 的文档,它使用了 docker-ce。 I have tried to find the difference between the two, but have come up empty.我试图找到两者之间的区别,但结果是空的。 What is docker.io in relation to docker-ce? docker.io 与 docker-ce 的关系是什么?

Previously, to install docker I would use以前,要安装docker,我将使用

apt-get install docker.io

However, I have recently noticed the documentation for installing docker, and it uses docker-ce.但是,最近我注意到用于安装docker的文档,它使用docker-ce。 I have tried to find the difference between the two, but have come up empty.我试图找到两者之间的区别,但是空无一物。 What is docker.io in relation to docker-ce?关于docker-ce,docker.io是什么?

Previously, to install docker I would use以前,要安装docker,我将使用

apt-get install docker.io

However, I have recently noticed the documentation for installing docker, and it uses docker-ce.但是,最近我注意到用于安装docker的文档,它使用docker-ce。 I have tried to find the difference between the two, but have come up empty.我试图找到两者之间的区别,但是空无一物。 What is docker.io in relation to docker-ce?关于docker-ce,docker.io是什么?

Docker Enterprise is now Mirantis Kubernetes Engine : Docker Enterprise现在是Mirantis Kubernetes Engine

The other answers were written before Docker sold their enterprise assets to Mirantis .其他答案是在 Docker 将他们的企业资产出售给Mirantis之前写的。 And there were big changes stemming from that acquisition...那次收购发生了巨大的变化......

If you now visit the link for " Enterprise Edition "- https://docs.docker.com/ee/ - you'll find oogatz.如果您现在访问“企业版”的链接 - https://docs.docker.com/ee/ - 您会找到 oogatz。 That's because " Docker Enterprise " is now " Mirantis Kubernetes Engine " And that's not all...那是因为“ Docker Enterprise ”现在是“ Mirantis Kubernetes Engine ”,这还不是全部......

Docker CE Now Developed (mostly) By Third Party: Docker CE现在(主要)由第三方开发:

Effective with the v20.10 release on 20201209, Docker CE is now the product of TWO separate Github Projects :20201209 的 v20.10 版本开始生效, Docker CE现在两个独立的 Github 项目产品

So going forward from v20.10, The Moby Project will now do the grunt work of developing Docker CE while Mirantis pursues monetizing Mirantis Kubernetes Engine .因此,从 v20.10 开始, Moby 项目现在将完成开发Docker CE的繁重工作,而 Mirantis 则追求通过Mirantis Kubernetes Engine获利。 Don't whinge: Mirantis is a business after all and they have to make a profit;不要抱怨:Mirantis 毕竟是一家企业,他们必须盈利; no surprises there.没有惊喜。

The docker-cli portion of Docker CE however is still being developed by Docker.然而, Docker CEdocker-cli部分仍在由 Docker 开发。 Obviously the docker-cli bit is interesting and they've kept that bit in-house...显然docker-cli很有趣,而且他们已经把那一点保留在内部......


After IBM bought Red Hat and CentOS was killed-off, I imagine there are similar concerns by organizations reliant on Docker containerization about the future of Docker CE post Mirantis acquisition.在 IBM 收购 Red Hat 和CentOS被淘汰后,我想依赖 Docker 容器化的组织对 Mirantis 收购后Docker CE的未来也有类似的担忧。 It appears the Moby Project could take over were Mirantis to pull their (5) developers.如果 Mirantis 拉动他们的 (5) 名开发人员,Moby 项目似乎可以接管。 But it would ultimately lead to a fork in Docker and development taking divergent paths.但这最终会导致 Docker 的分叉和发展走不同的道路。

Red Hat employed the CentOs Project folks. Red Hat 雇佣了 CentOs 项目的人。 So they were always beholden to follow the direction RH gave them ( you weren't aware? ).所以他们总是有义务遵循 RH 给他们的方向(你不知道? )。 I don't know whether Docker employs all/most of the Moby devs.我不知道 Docker 是否雇用了所有/大部分 Moby 开发人员。 There could be further material changes in the future for the Docker landscape given the commercial pressures Mirantis is under to make Docker a profitable acquisition which makes planning commercial decisions on the current landscape challenging...鉴于 Mirantis 面临的商业压力使 Docker 成为有利可图的收购,这使得在当前形势下规划商业决策具有挑战性……


This is provided by the Linux distribution.这是由 Linux 发行版提供的。 They are compiling the upstream docker engine themselves, and adding some distribution specific code, mainly to the startup scripts.他们自己编译上游 docker 引擎,并添加一些特定于发行版的代码,主要是启动脚本。 This name was picked because docker was already taken by an unrelated project.选择这个名字是因为docker已经被一个不相关的项目占用了。 In addition, Debian currently has a few other related packages:此外,Debian 目前还有一些其他相关的软件包:

  • docker-doc: Documentation that is packaged separately. docker-doc:单独打包的文档。
  • rootlesskit: For running the docker engine without the root user. rootlesskit:用于在没有 root 用户的情况下运行 docker 引擎。
  • docker-compose: This is a nice to have since Docker Inc was packaging compose, but that is changing with the version 2 of compose that is written in Go and included directly in the docker CLI. docker-compose:这是一个很好的功能,因为 Docker Inc 正在打包 compose,但是随着用 Go 编写并直接包含在 docker CLI 中的 compose 版本 2 发生变化。
  • docker-registry: Standalone packaging of a registry server, though it's not clear of the use case since almost everyone runs this as a container from the registry:2 image. docker-registry:注册服务器的独立打包,虽然它的用例并不明确,因为几乎每个人都将它作为来自registry:2镜像的容器运行。
  • credential helpers: There are several packages for these, and can be useful if you authenticate to a cloud vendor for your registry.凭证助手:有几个用于这些的包,如果您向云供应商验证您的注册表,这些包会很有用。

docker-ce docker-ce

This is the Community Edition, aka the OSS release from Docker Inc. This is what most people think of when they install docker on Linux.这是社区版,也就是 Docker 公司的 OSS 版本。这是大多数人在 Linux 上安装 docker 时的想法。 In addition, the following are currently available on the docker repos:此外,docker repos 目前提供以下内容:

  • docker-ce-cli: You can install only the command line without the engine, and use this for remotely accessing docker engines on other hosts. docker-ce-cli:可以只安装命令行,不安装引擎,用于远程访问其他主机上的docker引擎。
  • docker-ce-rootless-extras: There's been a lot of effort to enable rootless support in recent releases of docker, so you can run the engine as your user instead of as root. docker-ce-rootless-extras:在最近的 docker 版本中已经做了很多努力来启用无根支持,因此您可以以用户身份而不是 root 身份运行引擎。
  • docker-scan-plugin: This is a vulnerability scanner you can use for your images. docker-scan-plugin:这是一个可以用于图像的漏洞扫描器。

Instructions for installing docker-ce are available from Docker's website .安装docker-ce的说明可从Docker 的网站获得


This is the Enterprise Edition, and part of Docker Inc. that was sold off to Mirantis.这是企业版,是 Docker Inc. 的一部分,被卖给了 Mirantis。 There were (I haven't followed it closely since the split) a few extra features compiled into this version, but the main two reasons for installing this version was vendor support (paid) and using it as the base for other commercial offerings like the UCP and DTR, which were the UI's on top of Swarm/Kubernetes and a registry server.有(自拆分以来我没有密切关注)一些额外的功能编译到这个版本中,但安装这个版本的两个主要原因是供应商支持(付费)并将其用作其他商业产品的基础,例如UCP 和 DTR,它们是 Swarm/Kubernetes 和注册服务器之上的 UI。 Unless you've been working with Mirantis sales and have a license key, I don't think there's any reason to install this version.除非您一直与 Mirantis 销售人员合作并拥有许可证密钥,否则我认为没有任何理由安装此版本。

Choosing between docker.io and docker-ce在 docker.io 和 docker-ce 之间进行选择

The main decision is whether to install the OSS version of docker from your Linux distribution or directly from Docker Inc. A few points to consider:主要的决定是是从你的 Linux 发行版还是直接从 Docker Inc. 安装 Docker 的 OSS 版本。 需要考虑的几点:

  • Documentation on https://docs.docker.com will be focused towards docker-ce. https://docs.docker.com 上的文档将侧重于 docker-ce。
  • Support for issues from Docker Inc. will want you to have installed their version.对来自 Docker Inc. 的问题的支持将希望您安装他们的版本。 That's only fair if you're a developer that packages the product, that you'd only want to support your own packaging.如果您是打包产品的开发人员,并且您只想支持自己的打包,那这才是公平的。
  • Patches and new releases will be available from docker-ce before docker.io.补丁和新版本将在 docker.io 之前从 docker-ce 提供。 This may be important for time sensitive security issues.这对于时间敏感的安全问题可能很重要。
  • Installing docker-ce requires adding another repository to your sources.list, which is one more vendor to trust, and one more list of packages to update with every patch.安装 docker-ce 需要在你的 sources.list 中添加另一个存储库,这是一个值得信任的供应商,以及一个要随每个补丁更新的软件包列表。
  • If you only want the CLI so you can access docker on remote machines (eg DOCKER_HOST=ssh://you@example.com docker ps ), you'll want to use the docker-ce-cli package.如果您只需要 CLI 以便您可以在远程机器上访问DOCKER_HOST=ssh://you@example.com docker ps (例如DOCKER_HOST=ssh://you@example.com docker ps ),您将需要使用DOCKER_HOST=ssh://you@example.com docker ps docker-ce-cli包。

For me, if you are setting up a dedicated machine for running containers, go with docker-ce .对我来说,如果您要设置专用机器来运行容器,请使用docker-ce While if you only run an occasional container, don't follow what Docker Inc. is doing upstream, and use the machine for a lot of other tasks, using docker.io can simplify your workflows.如果你只是偶尔运行一个容器,不要跟随 Docker Inc. 在上游所做的事情,而是将机器用于许多其他任务,使用docker.io可以简化你的工作流程。

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