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从 JavaCard 中的私钥计算 ECC 公钥

[英]Computing ECC public key from a private key in JavaCard

With Java Card APIs, which "support" Elliptic curves, how do I compute a public key given a known secret key.使用“支持”椭圆曲线的 Java Card API,我如何在给定已知密钥的情况下计算公钥。

Following a DH shared secret negotiation I'm interested in deriving common shared keys.在 DH 共享秘密协商之后,我对派生公共共享密钥很感兴趣。 According to TR-03111 and X9.63 the shared secret from the DH ECC key agreement should not be used but, according to my understanding, the affine representation of the x-coordinate (The x component of the public key associated with the shared secret as a private key) is to be used.根据 TR-03111 和 X9.63,不应使用 DH ECC 密钥协议的共享秘密,但根据我的理解,x 坐标的仿射表示(与共享秘密相关联的公钥的 x 分量作为私钥)将被使用。

With BigInteger arithmetic or ECPoint.multiply() this easy, but no such APIs exist in Java Card.使用 BigInteger 算术或 ECPoint.multiply() 这很容易,但 Java Card 中不存在此类 API。

This multiplication isn't directly available for Java Card.此乘法不能直接用于 Java Card。 Basically Java Card hides low level operations for you.基本上 Java Card 为您隐藏了低级操作。

However, if you have a relatively new Java Card you may get away with this by using a KeyAgreement instance created using ALG_EC_SVDP_DH_PLAIN_XY .但是,如果您有一个相对较新的 Java Card,则可以通过使用ALG_EC_SVDP_DH_PLAIN_XY创建的KeyAgreement实例来解决这个问题。 What you can do is to create a ECPublicKey where the public key point is simply set to point G. This base point G is part of the domain parameters.您可以做的是创建一个ECPublicKey ,其中公钥点被简单地设置为点 G。这个基点 G 是域参数的一部分。 The private key should of course be set to your value.私钥当然应该设置为您的值。

Then all it comes down to is to perform a key agreement;然后归结为执行密钥协议; the result of the agreement will be the points X and Y of the public key.协议的结果将是公钥的 X 点和 Y 点。

Note that support of any algorithm constant depends on the card implementation.请注意,对任何算法常量的支持取决于卡的实现。 The constant will be there - if the implemented API is new enough - but the algorithm may not be implemented.常量将在那里 - 如果实现的 API 足够新 - 但算法可能不会实现。

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