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我如何在React JS中使用Lodash获取特定的数组

[英]How can i get the specific array using Lodash in react js

How can i get the specific array using Lodash in react js ? 我如何在React js中使用Lodash获得特定的数组? I have an array of objects, 10 topUsers. 我有一个对象数组,10个topUsers。


and I want to display start from top 5 which is "user":"carl", assume the {idx} is the index of array 我想显示从前5位开始的“ user”:“ carl”,假设{idx}是数组的索引

I'am try to use the _.map for mapping the data, but for specific index or array I dont have any idea. 我尝试使用_.map映射数据,但是对于特定的索引或数组,我没有任何想法。

<TableBody displayRowCheckbox={false} style={{minHeight: 65}}>
{ _.map(this.state.data.topUsers, (users, idx) => { return(
<TableRow displayBorder={true}>
    <TableRowColumn style={{height: 75 , textAlign: 'center'}}>{idx + 1}</TableRowColumn>
    <TableRowColumn style={{ justifyContent: 'center', textAlign: 'center' , paddingLeft: '5px' }}>
        <Col xs={12}>
                <Col xs={4} style={{display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}}>
                    <label style={{whiteSpace: 'normal', overflow: 'hidden', textOverflow: 'ellipsis'}}>
                        {_.get(users, 'users', ' ')}
</TableRow>) })}

您可以尝试_.slice(array, [start=0], [end=array.length])要了解更多信息,请参见此处输入链接描述

You can use Array#slice (or lodash's equivalent) to slice the array from an index to the end. 您可以使用Array#slice (或lodash的等效项)将数组从索引切成末尾。 So arr.slice(4) , will create a new array from the 5th (0 based) item to the end. 因此arr.slice(4)将创建一个从第5个(从0开始)到末尾的新数组。

Btw - if you want the 5 top items, you need to slice from index 5. Slicing from the 4th index will give you 6 items. 顺便说一句-如果您想获得5个热门项目,则需要从索引5中进行切片。从第4个索引中进行切片将为您提供6个项目。

For example: 例如:

 const topUsers = [{"user":"foo"},{"user":"bar"},{"user":"mike"},{"user":"jen"},{"user":"carl"},{"user":"ben"},{"user":"tony"},{"user":"mark"},{"user":"peter"},{"user":"jake"}]; const result = topUsers.slice(5) .map(({ user }) => user); // whatever you want to map user into console.log(result); 

And in your case: 在您的情况下:

<TableBody displayRowCheckbox={false} style={{minHeight: 65}}>
{ this.state.data.topUsers.slice(5).map((users, idx) => { return(
<TableRow displayBorder={true}>
    <TableRowColumn style={{height: 75 , textAlign: 'center'}}>{idx + 1}</TableRowColumn>
    <TableRowColumn style={{ justifyContent: 'center', textAlign: 'center' , paddingLeft: '5px' }}>
        <Col xs={12}>
                <Col xs={4} style={{display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}}>
                    <label style={{whiteSpace: 'normal', overflow: 'hidden', textOverflow: 'ellipsis'}}>
                        {_.get(users, 'users', ' ')}
</TableRow>) })}

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