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Ruby Gem适配器MySQL错误

[英]Ruby Gem adaptor MySQL error

I am getting the below error while using the MySQL gem; 使用MySQL gem时出现以下错误; Tried mysql2 and it also gives the same error. 尝试了mysql2,它也给出了相同的错误。

-bash-4.1$ gem list

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

mysql (2.9.1)

-bash-4.1$ ruby -v
ruby 1.8.7 (2013-06-27 patchlevel 374) [x86_64-linux]

-bash-4.1$ irb
irb(main):001:0> require 'mysql'
NameError: uninitialized constant Mysql
    from ./mysql.rb:10
    from (irb):1:in `require'
    from (irb):1
    from :0

Please let me know if there is a solution for this; 请让我知道是否有解决方案; thanks! 谢谢!

Are you using bundler/rvm? 您在使用捆绑程序/ rvm吗? If so, start irb with: 如果是这样,请使用以下命令启动irb:

bundle exec irb

make sure you are in the right gemset and ruby version from where you are accessing the gem. 确保你是在正确的gemsetruby version从您正在访问的宝石。 Before typing in the irb , check what gemset you are in: 在输入irb之前,请检查您所在的gemset:

rvm gemset list

then check the gems installed in that particular gemset 然后检查安装在该特定宝石集中的宝石

rvm <my-gemset-name> do gem list

If they do not match, that is your problem and you can fix it by changing to the right gemset: 如果它们不匹配,那就是您的问题,您可以通过更改为正确的gemset来解决:

 rvm use <my-gemset>

Similarly, check for ruby version, ie if the ruby version for your installed gem and from where you are running your irb match 同样,检查Ruby版本,即是否已安装gem的Ruby版本以及运行irb的位置是否匹配

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