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[英]using regexp in ansible to replace word

I am newbie to ansible actually.Can anyone please help me change the ip address in a file using regexp with my original system ip. 我实际上是ansible的新手。有人可以帮我使用带有原始系统ip的regexp更改文件中的ip地址。 Let say I wanted to replace "Djgroups.bind_address=<*/WHATEVER/BLANK>" to "Djgroups.bind_address=" 假设我想将“ Djgroups.bind_address = <* / WHATEVER / BLANK>”替换为“ Djgroups.bind_address =”

This would be for a tomcat instance. 这将是一个tomcat实例。 The Line where the replacement is required: 需要更换的生产线:

JAVA_OPTS="-Xms6144m -Xmx6144m -Djava.awt.headless=true -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Djgroups.bind_address="

I Wrote ansible as below: 我写了如下:

  - name: Verifying Instance IP Address
    shell: grep Djgroups.bind_address /apache-tomcat-8.5.15_1/bin/catalina.sh|grep -v ^#|tr -s '=' '"'|cut -d '"' -f5
    register: tomcat_instance_ip
  - debug: msg='Tomcat instance has {{ tomcat_instance_ip.stdout }} set.'

  - name: Updating Tomcat Instance with valid local IP address
      dest: /apache-tomcat-8.5.15_1/bin/catalina.sh
      regexp: '^(Djgroups.bind_address(?!.*\b{{ tomcat_instance_ip.stdout }}\b).*)$'
      replace: '\1 {{ ip_address }}'
    when: tomcat_instance_ip.stdout != ip_address

Thanks, Sam 谢谢山姆

I see at least 4 issues with the regexp: 我看到正则表达式至少有四个问题:

  1. your . 你的. is not escaped, so it is interpreted as a special character. 不会转义,因此将其解释为特殊字符。
  2. Why do you put ^ at the beginning. 为什么将^放在开头。 Seems like you are trying to find something in the middle of a string, not at the beginning. 似乎您正在尝试在字符串的中间而不是在开头查找内容。
  3. you should use lazy evaluation for the .* in negative lookup. 您应该在负查找中对。*使用惰性评估。 Right now it will match anything. 现在,它将匹配任何东西。
  4. you are trying to match the Djgroups.bind_address part of the string, while i believe you meant to match whatever comes afterwards instead. 您正在尝试匹配字符串的Djgroups.bind_address部分,而我相信您的意思是匹配之后出现的所有内容。

try: Djgroups\\.bind_address=(?!.*?{{ tomcat_instance_ip.stdout }}.*?)(.*)$ 尝试: Djgroups\\.bind_address=(?!.*?{{ tomcat_instance_ip.stdout }}.*?)(.*)$

And please test your regex first. 并且请先测试您的正则表达式。 https://regex101.com/ Make sure it actually matches your input like you imagined. https://regex101.com/确保它确实与您想像的输入相匹配。

Remove the shell task, this is not needed. 删除shell任务,这不是必需的。

Try this : 尝试这个 :

- name: Updating Tomcat Instance with valid local IP address
    path: /apache-tomcat-8.5.15_1/bin/catalina.sh
    regexp: 'JAVA_OPTS="(.* )?-Djgroups.bind_address=[^ "]*(.*)"'
    replace: 'JAVA_OPTS="\1-Djgroups.bind_address={{ ip_address }}\2"'

The when is not needed either, since replace module is idempotent. 由于replace模块是幂等的when因此也不需要when

Edit : some explanations about the regular expression used in this example 编辑:有关此示例中使用的正则表达式的一些说明

'JAVA_OPTS="(.* )?-Djgroups.bind_address=[^ "]*(.*)"'
            ^___^                              ^__^
 ^_________^ (1) ^______________________^       (2)
      (3)                     (4)
  • 1 and 2 are the "unknown" parts. 12是“未知”部分。 This can be anything and we don't want to lose this while applying the replacement. 这可以是任何东西,我们不想在应用替换项时丢失它。 So we capture them with parenthesis. 因此,我们用括号将它们捕获。 We can re-use them in the replacement by referencing them with \\1 and \\2 . 我们可以通过用\\1\\2引用它们来替换它们。
  • 3 and 4 are the "known" parts. 34是“已知”部分。 They are used to identify the line to be modified. 它们用于标识要修改的行。 We don't really need to capture them since we actually know their contents. 因为我们实际上知道它们的内容,所以我们实际上并不需要捕获它们。
  • 5 is the interesting part, this is what we want to replace with new content. 5是有趣的部分,这是我们要替换为新内容的部分。 We don't care about its actual content. 我们不在乎其实际内容。

Regular expressions are somewhat intimidating at first, with this weird syntax. 首先,使用这种怪异的语法, 正则表达式有些令人生畏。 This not as complicated as it seems. 这并不像看起来那样复杂。 You can find a lot of tutorials to help you understand it. 您可以找到很多教程来帮助您理解它。

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