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[英]How can I change the background color of the selected menuItem in shinydashboard?

I have included a simple example code. 我提供了一个简单的示例代码。 If I selected Widgets , the background color of the Widgets menuItem should change. 如果我选择了Widgets ,那么Widgets menuItem的背景色应该改变。

The code is as follows 代码如下

    ## Only run this example in interactive R sessions
if (interactive()) {

  ui <- dashboardPage(
    dashboardHeader(title = "Simple tabs"),

        menuItem("Dashboard", tabName = "dashboard", icon = icon("dashboard")),
        menuItem("Widgets", tabName = "widgets", icon = icon("th"))

        tabItem(tabName = "dashboard",
                h2("Dashboard tab content")
        tabItem(tabName = "widgets",
                h2("Widgets tab content")

  server <- function(input, output, session) {


shinyApp(ui, server)

Should I add a CSS tag? 我应该添加CSS标签吗? Thank You in advance! 先感谢您!

Try the toggleClass function to toggle between CSS classes. 尝试使用toggleClass函数在CSS类之间进行切换。 Usage and examples can be found here . 用法和示例可以在这里找到。

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