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[英]Module not found, but only in ipython3

I have written a package named biographs with the following architecture: 我编写了一个具有以下架构的名为biographs的软件包:

biographs (folder)
 >biographs (package)

The __init__.py file is only the following: __init__.py文件仅是以下内容:

from .pmolecule import Pmolecule

When I'm working in ipython3 and I want to import biographs (only to use the class Pmolecule ), I get the following error in ipython3 (Ipython 6.0.0, Python 3.6.1): 当我在ipython3中工作并且想要导入biographs (仅使用类Pmolecule )时,我在ipython3(Ipython 6.0.0,Python 3.6.1)中收到以下错误:

In [1]: cd ~/biographs/

In [2]: import biographs
ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-1803e6928e0e> in <module>()
----> 1 import biographs

/Users/rdora/biographs/biographs/__init__.py in <module>()
----> 1 from .pmolecule import Pmolecule

/Users/rdora/biographs/biographs/pmolecule.py in <module>()
      1 # class to deal with protein structures
      2 # python 2
----> 3 import bpdb
      4 import bgraph
      5 import bspace

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'bpdb'

However when I do exactly the same process using IPython 5.3.0 with Python 2.7.13 there is no error message. 但是,当我将IPython 5.3.0与Python 2.7.13进行完全相同的处理时,没有错误消息。

Thank you 谢谢

This is because of how imports work in Python 2 and Python 3. In your module pmolecule.py you apparently do import bpdb . 这是因为导入在Python 2和Python 3中是如何工作的。在模块pmolecule.py您显然可以import bpdb In Python 2 this will search the local directory for a module called bpdb.py and import it. 在Python 2中,这将在本地目录中搜索名为bpdb.py的模块并将其导入。 However in Python 3 you must be explicit about those relative imports, ie you need to do 但是,在Python 3中,您必须明确说明这些相对导入,即您需要

from . import bpdb

In order to get consistency for Python 2 you can use from __future__ import absolute_imports which prohibits such non-explicit imports also under Python 2. 为了获得Python 2的一致性,您可以使用from __future__ import absolute_imports ,它也禁止在Python 2下进行此类非显式的导入。

Note that the same holds for: 注意:

----> 3 import bpdb
      4 import bgraph
      5 import bspace

Those need to be imported via from . import <module-name> 这些需要通过导入from . import <module-name> from . import <module-name> syntax. from . import <module-name>语法。

Further reading 进一步阅读

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