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[英]Autofac Property Injection in already registered service

I'm using Autofac to DI and MVVM. 我正在使用Autofac来DI和MVVM。 I have a global service registered as such: 我注册了这样的全球服务:


I'm also using Autofac.Extras.NLog implementation for obvious logging purposes: 我还将Autofac.Extras.NLog实现用于明显的日志记录目的:


this way I can get the instance of that service and logger in any of my ViewModels: 这样,我就可以在任何ViewModel中获取该服务和记录器的实例:

namespace MyNameSpace.ViewModels
    class MyViewModel : BindableBase
        readonly IGlobalService _globalService;
        readonly ILogger _logger;

        public MyViewModel (IGlobalService globalService, ILogger logger)
            _globalService = globalService;
            _logger = logger;


It works great. 效果很好。 Now I also want logging support inside MyGlobalService. 现在,我希望在MyGlobalService中记录日志支持。 But this time, I would like to use Property Injection, instead of Constructor Injection. 但是这次,我想使用属性注入,而不是构造函数注入。

Question is: should I register such a rule differently? 问题是:我应该以其他方式注册这样的规则吗?

Example usage: 用法示例:

namespace MyNameSpace.GlobalServices
    class MyGlobalService : IGlobalService
        public ILogger Logger { get; set; }

        public MyGlobalService ()
            Logger.Debug("My Service Starting...") 
            // no DI happening, getting exception because "Logger" is null


Edit: Answered below. 编辑:下面回答。

Property Injection does not work out-of-the-box, you need to set up class you want to use property injection in, so 属性注入无法立即使用,您需要设置要在其中使用属性注入的类,因此


should do the trick. 应该可以。 Or you could do this manually using OnActivating lifetime event. 或者,您可以使用OnActivating生命周期事件手动执行此操作。

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