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[英]Javascript ,how to combine two variables into a third

I'm working on a project to look at alternative ways to deploy printers to users from an html page residing on an internal SharePoint site. 我正在研究一个项目,以研究从驻留在内部SharePoint网站上的html页面向用户部署打印机的替代方法。

I've found some code someone had posted that seems to work well, but I was looking to see if I could change it a little to suit our needs a little better, allowing for a cleaner way to create hundreds of new printer installation links. 我发现有人发布了一些似乎运行良好的代码,但是我想看看是否可以对其进行一些更改以更好地满足我们的需求,从而允许使用更简洁的方法来创建数百个新的打印机安装链接。

This works for us. 这对我们有用。

var WshNetwork = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Network"); 
var PrinterPath = "\\\\printserver-a\\printer-a"; 
WshNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection(PrinterPath); //Does the adding of the printer
WshNetwork.SetDefaultPrinter(PrinterPath); //Sets printer as system default

Rather than have to modify the PrinterPath variable, what I'd like to define ahead of time is a PrintServer variable as well as a Printer variable, then combine those two variables into a 3rd, listed in the printer path. 无需修改PrinterPath变量,我想提前定义一个PrintServer变量以及一个Printer变量,然后将这两个变量合并到打印机路径中列出的第3个变量中。

I've tried some examples I've seen, and have spoken to a colleague who has a better understanding of JavaScript, but could not find anything that works for me. 我已经尝试了一些示例,并与一位对JavaScript有更好理解的同事进行了交谈,但找不到适合我的任何东西。 I was thinking something like this. 我在想这样的事情。

var PrintServer = "printserver-a";
var Printer = "printer-a";
var WshNetwork = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Network"); 
var PrinterPath = "\\\\PrintServer\\Printer"; 
WshNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection(PrinterPath); //Does the adding of the printer
WshNetwork.SetDefaultPrinter(PrinterPath); //Sets printer as system default

But this is not working for me, and am looking to see what it is I'm missing. 但这对我不起作用,并且正在寻找我所缺少的东西。 I have no understanding of JavaScript whatsoever, but have found this to be one of the best solutions for us. 我对JavaScript毫无了解,但是发现这对我们来说是最好的解决方案之一。

A template literal would be effective here: 模板文字将在此处有效:

var PrinterPath = `\\\\${PrintServer}\\${Printer}`; 

Alternatively, string concatenation: 或者,字符串串联:

var PrinterPath = "\\\\" + PrintServer + "\\" + Printer;

You can try template literals 您可以尝试模板文字

var PrinterPath = `\\\\${PrintServer}\\${Printer}`;

This will evaluate to have your variables here as strings You can read up on this here 这将评估您的变量是否为字符串。您可以在此处阅读

You can use basic string concatenation , or possibly template literals . 您可以使用基本的字符串连接 ,也可以使用模板文字 The difference is that template literals are new to JavaScript and aren't supported on Internet Explorer at all, just modern browsers. 区别在于模板文字是JavaScript的新功能,而Internet Explorer完全不支持,而仅是现代浏览器。 You can check the compatibility table . 您可以检查兼容性表 The change you'd have to make would just be the following line. 您必须进行的更改仅是以下几行。 Below I've listed the two solutions. 下面,我列出了两种解决方案。

With string concatenation: 使用字符串连接:

var PrinterPath = "\\\\" + PrintServer + "\\" + Printer;

With template literals: 使用模板文字:

var PrinterPath = `\\\\${PrintServer}\\${Printer}`;

It looks like you want to concatenate a few strings together. 看起来您想将几个字符串连接在一起。 Here's one way to do that in JavaScript: 这是在JavaScript中执行此操作的一种方法:

var PrintServer = 'printserver-a';
var Printer = 'printer-a';
var PrinterPath = '\\\\' + PrintServer + '\\' + Printer; 

In modern JavaScript (aka ES6) you can use template literals to accomplish what you want, like so: 在现代JavaScript(也称为ES6)中,您可以使用模板文字来完成所需的操作,例如:

var PrintServer = 'printserver-a';
var Printer = 'printer-a';
var PrinterPath = `\\\\${Printer}\\${Printer}`;

Note that PrinterPath must use backticks instead of single quotes. 请注意,PrinterPath必须使用反引号而不是单引号。

Now here's are an unsolicited tip, since you're just starting to learn JavaScript: The general convention in JS is to use variable names that are not capitalized (the exception to this would be for "class" functions). 现在,这是一个不请自来的提示,因为您才刚刚开始学习JavaScript:JS中的常规约定是使用不使用大写字母的变量名(“类”函数例外)。

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