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JavaScript p5.js:对象对齐

[英]JavaScript p5.js: Object Alignment

Hi I'm creating a snake game right now and I have a problem that my food is not aligned with my snake so I can't get my snake to eat it, no error messsages just can't get that working, please explain where I went wrong and how I can get this to be aligned and eaten. 嗨,我现在正在制作蛇游戏,但我遇到的问题是我的食物与蛇不对齐,所以我无法让蛇吃掉它,没有错误信息也无法使蛇起作用,请解释在哪里我弄错了,我怎么能使它被排列和食用。

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

My Food: 我的食物:

function columns()
  return floor(width / scl);

function rows()
  return floor(height / scl);

function randomPlaceFood()
  return createVector(floor(random(columns())), floor(random(rows())));

function Food()
  this.vector = randomPlaceFood().mult(scl);

  this.x = random(0, 700);
  this.y = random(0, 700);

  this.updateFood = function()
    this.vector = randomPlaceFood().mult(scl);

  this.showFood = function()
    fill(255, 0, 10);
    rect(this.x, this.y, scl, scl);


My Snake: 我的蛇:

function Snake()
  this.x = 0;
  this.y = 0;

  this.xspeed = 0;
  this.yspeed = 0;

  this.updateSnake = function()
    this.x = this.x + this.xspeed * scl;
    this.y = this.y + this.yspeed * scl;

    this.x = constrain(this.x, 0, width - scl);
    this.y = constrain(this.y, 0, height - scl);

  this.showSnake = function()
    rect(this.x, this.y, scl, scl);

  this.direction = function(x, y)
    this.xspeed = x;
    this.yspeed = y;

  this.eatFood = function()
     if (this.x === food.x && this.y === food.y)

  this.keyPressed = function()
    if (keyCode === 87)
      snake.direction(0, -1);
    } else if (keyCode === 83)
      snake.direction(0, 1);
    } else if (keyCode === 68)
      snake.direction(1, 0);
    } else if (keyCode === 65)
      snake.direction(-1, 0);

And the main file: 和主文件:

var snake;

var scl = 20;
var food;

function setup()
  //Sets the Canvas
  createCanvas(700, 700);

  //Creates a new object using the variable snake
  snake = new Snake();

  food = new Food();



function draw()
  //Sets the Background, number implies the colour

  //Adds all the values set within the function to the snake



Check out this line: 查看以下行:

if (this.x === food.x && this.y === food.y)

You're only checking whether the snake is perfectly aligned with the food. 您只在检查蛇是否与食物完美对齐。 Like you've found out, this almost never happens, because it requires pixel-perfect precision. 就像您已经发现的那样,这几乎永远不会发生,因为它需要像素完美的精度。

Instead, you want to detect whether the snake is colliding with the food. 相反,您想检测蛇是否正在与食物碰撞。 You do this using collision detection. 您可以使用冲突检测执行此操作。 Google is your friend, but the general algorithm for checking two rectangles is this: Google是您的朋友,但是检查两个矩形的通用算法是:

if(rectOneRight > rectTwoLeft && rectOneLeft < rectTwoRight && rectOneBottom > rectTwoTop && rectOneTop < rectTwoBottom){
  //rectangles are colliding

Shameless self-promotion: I wrote a tutorial on collision detection available here . 无耻的自我促进:我在此处编写了有关碰撞检测的教程。 It's for Processing, but everything is the same in P5.js. 它用于处理,但是P5.js中的所有内容都相同。

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