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[英]Linux tail on rotating log file using busybox

In my bash script am trying to monitor the out from the /var/log/message log file - and continue even when the file rotates (is re-created and started again). 在我的bash脚本中,我试图监视/ var / log / message日志文件中的内容-即使文件旋转(重新创建并再次启动)也要继续。 I tried using tail -f filename but quickly realised this is no good for when the file rotates. 我尝试使用tail -f filename但很快意识到这对于文件旋转时没有好处。

So there are lots of answers for using tail -F filename or tail -f --retry filename (and a few other variants). 因此,使用tail -F filenametail -f --retry filename (以及其他一些变体)有很多答案。

But on my embedded Linux I am using busybox which has a lightweight version of tail: 但是在我的嵌入式Linux上,我使用的是busybox,它的轻量级版本为tail:

tail [OPTIONS] [FILE]...

Print last 10 lines of each FILE to standard output. With more than one
FILE, precede each with a header giving the file name. With no FILE, or
when FILE is -, read standard input.

        -c N[kbm]       Output the last N bytes
        -n N[kbm]       Print last N lines instead of last 10
        -f              Output data as the file grows
        -q              Never output headers giving file names
        -s SEC          Wait SEC seconds between reads with -f
        -v              Always output headers giving file names

If the first character of N (bytes or lines) is a '+', output begins with
the Nth item from the start of each file, otherwise, print the last N items
in the file. N bytes may be suffixed by k (x1024), b (x512), or m (1024^2).

So I can't do the usual tail -F ... since that option is not implemented. 因此,我无法执行通常的tail -F ...因为该选项未实现。 The above document snippet is the latest busybox version - and mine is a bit older. 上面的文档片段是最新的busybox版本-而我的版本稍旧。

So I need another way of logging /var/log/messages since the file gets overwritten at a certain size. 因此,我需要另一种记录/ var / log / messages的方法,因为该文件会被覆盖为一定大小。

I was thinking of some simple bash line. 我在想一些简单的bash行。 So I saw things like inotifywait, but busybox does not have that. 因此,我看到了诸如inotifywait之类的东西,但是busybox没有。 I looked here: 我在这里看:

busybox docs and there is a inotifyd, but my version does not have that particular command. busybox文档,并且有inotifyd,但是我的版本没有该特定命令。 So I am wandering if there is a clever way of doing this with simple Linux commands/combination of commands like watch and tail -f and cat/less/more etc... I can't quite figure out what I need to do with the limited commands that I have :( 因此,我想知道是否有一种巧妙的方法可以通过简单的Linux命令/诸如watch and tail -fcat/less/more等命令组合来完成此操作……我不太清楚我该怎么做我拥有的有限命令:(

How are the logs rotated? 日志如何旋转? Are you using a logrotate utility? 您是否正在使用logrotate实用程序? If yes, have you tried to add your line to postrotate section in the config file? 如果是,是否尝试将行添加到配置文件中的postrotate部分?

from man logrotate 从男人logrotate

postrotate/endscript The lines between postrotate and endscript (both of which must appear on lines by themselves) are executed after the log file is rotated. postrotate / endscript在旋转日志文件后,将执行postrotate和endscript之间的行(两者都必须自己显示在行上)。 These directives may only appear inside of a log file definition. 这些伪指令只能出现在日志文件定义中。 See prerotate as well. 另请参见预旋转。

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