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[英]Pagination Functionality using handlebars js


I'am developing a Pagination Functionality using handlebars js and fetching the data from JSON. 我正在使用把手js开发分页功能并从JSON获取数据。

  1. First 5 results will be shown on page load. 前5个结果将显示在页面加载上。

  2. on click of next pagination another set of 5 results will be displayed and so on. 点击下一个分页将显示另一组5个结果,依此类推。

  3. If i have total number of results 100 by displaying each 5 Results in page. 如果我通过在页面中显示每个5个结果来获得结果总数100。 Page Numbers will be 1 of 20. 页码将是20的1。

  4. if the pagination has more then 5 number of Pages , I want to display "1,2,3 ... last Page Number (20)" same vice versa 如果分页有超过5页的页数,我想显示“1,2,3 ...最后页数(20)”相同,反之亦然
  5. on load Previous Button Should be hidden when ever next page is clicked it has to be enabled. on load上一个按钮当单击下一页时必须启用它。

Request to you please look into this and give some advice / suggestion on this. 请咨询您,并就此提出一些建议/建议。

Should be Like Below 应该像下面



Appreciate your kind help ! 感谢您的帮助!

Thanks 谢谢

  • some code sample : 一些代码示例:

      $(function () { var opts = { pageMax: 5, postsDiv: $('#posts'), dataUrl: "searchResult.json" } function range(i) { return i ? range(i - 1).concat(i) : [] } function loadPosts(posts) { opts.postsDiv.empty(); posts.each(function () { var source = $("#post-template").html(); var template = Handlebars.compile(source); var context = { title: this.title, desc: this.body, }; var html = template(context); opts.postsDiv.append(html); }); } function paginate(pageCount) { var source = $("#pagination-template").html(); var template = Handlebars.compile(source); var context = { pages: range(pageCount) }; var html = template(context); opts.postsDiv.after(html); function changePage(pageNumber) { pageItems.removeClass('active'); pageItems.filter('[data-page="' + pageNumber + '"]').addClass('active'); loadPosts(data.slice(pageNumber * opts.pageMax - opts.pageMax, pageNumber * opts.pageMax)); } var pageItems = $('.pagination>li.pagination-page'); pageItems.on('click', function () { changePage(this.getAttribute('data-page')); }).filter('[data-page="1"]').addClass('active'); $('.pagination>li.pagination-prev').on('click', function () { gotoPageNumber = parseInt($('.pagination>li.active').attr('data-page')) - 1; if (gotoPageNumber <= 0) { gotoPageNumber = pageCount; } changePage(gotoPageNumber); }); $('.pagination>li.pagination-next').on('click', function () { gotoPageNumber = parseInt($('.pagination>li.active').attr('data-page')) + 1; if (gotoPageNumber > pageCount) { gotoPageNumber = 1; } changePage(gotoPageNumber); }); } $.ajax({ dataType: 'json', url: opts.dataUrl, success: function (response_json) { data = $(response_json.records.page); dataCount = data.length; pageCount = Math.ceil(dataCount / opts.pageMax); if (dataCount > opts.pageMax) { paginate(pageCount); posts = data.slice(0, opts.pageMax); } else { posts = data; } loadPosts(posts); } }); }); 

I had to solve a similar issue a few months ago. 几个月前我不得不解决类似的问题。 I found this Gist from kottenator. 我从kottenator那里找到了这个要点

Your range function is modified thusly, with c being the current page, and m your pageCount . 因此,您的范围功能会被修改,其中c是当前页面,而m您的pageCount Calls to the function have been modified a bit and a recursive call to your paginate(...) function is also added to recompute the tag after navigation (also, a branch was added to your DOM appending function calls, to modify the pagination tag, I used a ternary operator. There may be more elegant to achieve this). 对函数的调用已被修改了一点,并且还添加了对您的paginate(...)函数的递归调用以在导航后重新计算标记(同样,在DOM追加函数调用中添加了一个分支,以修改分页标记) ,我使用了三元运算符。实现这一目标可能更优雅。
See this CodePen 请参阅此CodePen

function range(c,m) {
  var current = c || 1,
      last = m,
      delta = 2,
      left = current - delta,
      right = parseInt(current) + delta + 1,
      range = [],
      rangeWithEllipsis = [],

      for (var i = c - delta ; i <= c + delta ; i++) {
        if (i >= left && i < right && i < m && i > 1) {

      for (var i of range) {
        if (l) {
          if (i - l === 2) {
            t = l+1;
          } else if (i - l !== 1) {
        l = i;
    return rangeWithEllipsis;

It doesn't solve exactly your problem per say, but it does paginate correctly. 它并没有完全解决你的问题,但它确实分页。
If I have some time, I'll try and make it paginate the exact way you want to (it's really only about customizing the delta , left and right operand in the algorithm, and changing your pagination next and pagination prev event handler calls). 如果我有时间,我会尽量让分页要准确的方式(这真的只有定制deltaleftright的算法运算,并改变你的分页未来和分页上一个事件处理程序调用)。

Edit I changed the algorithm to find the left and right boundary. 编辑我改变了算法找出leftright的边界。 Your index.html is also modified a bit. 您的index.html也进行了一些修改。
The idea is to compute the left and right boundary by multiples of 5. You then create a range of the indexes to show and add an elipsis if the difference is too big. 我们的想法是以5的倍数计算左右边界。然后,如果差异太大,则创建一系列索引以显示并添加省略号。 This should effectively solves your original problem. 这应该有效地解决你原来的问题。

JavaScript JavaScript的

getFirstDigits = (t) => {
 return parseInt(t.toString().slice(0,-1))

getLastDigit = (t) => {
 return parseInt(t.toString().slice(-1))

isMultipleOf5 = (t) => {
 return [0,5].reduce((res,curr)=>{
   return res = res || curr === getLastDigit(t);

isBetween0and5 = (t) => {
  const _t = getLastDigit(t);
  return  _t < 5;

isBetween5and9 = (t) => {
  const _t = getLastDigit(t);
  return  _t => 5 && _t <= 9;

appendDigit = (t,d) => {
  return parseInt(getFirstDigits(t).toString() + d.toString())

getSecondRightMostDigit = (t) => {
  return parseInt(t.toString().slice(-2,-1))

incrementSecondDigit = (t) => {
  return t+10;

getLeft = (t) => {
    if(isBetween0and5(t)) return appendDigit(t,0);
    else return appendDigit(t,5);
  } else {
    if (t<5) return 0;
    else return 5;

getRight = (t) => {
  if(t<5) return 5;
  else if (t<10) return 10;
  else if(isBetween0and5(t)) return appendDigit(t,5)
  else return appendDigit(incrementSecondDigit(t),0);

function range(c,m) {
  var current = c || 1,
      last = m,
      delta = 2,
      left = getLeft(c),
      right = getRight(c),
      range = [],
      rangeWithEllipsis = [],

      var rightBoundary = right < 5 ? 5 : right;
      for (var i = left ; i < rightBoundary ; ++i) {
        if( i < m && i > 0) range.push(i);

      for (var i of range) {
        if (l) {
          if (i - l === 2) {
            t = l+1;
          } else if (i - l !== 1){
        l = i;
    return rangeWithEllipsis;

HTML/HandleBars HTML /车把

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Handlebars Pagination</title>
    <link href="main.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script src="handlebars.min.js"></script>
    <script src="functions.js"></script>

<body class="container">

    <div id="posts"></div>

    <script id="pagination-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
        <ul class="pagination">
            <li class="pagination-prev"><a href="#">&laquo;</a></li>

            {{#each pages}}
            <li class="pagination-page" data-page="{{this}}"><a href="#">{{this}}</a></li>

            <li class="pagination-next"><a href="#">&raquo;</a></li>

    <script id="post-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
        <div class="score-structural score-column2-wideright search-listings post">
            <div class="score-right">
                <h5 style="z-index: 1;">
                    <a href="#"> {{ title }} </a>
                <p style="z-index: 1;"> {{ desc }} </p>



     $(function () {
        var opts = {
            pageMax: 2,
            postsDiv: $('#posts'),
            dataUrl: "searchResult.json"

        function loadPosts(posts) {
            posts.each(function () {
                var source = $("#post-template").html();
                var template = Handlebars.compile(source);
                var context = {
                    title: this.title,
                    desc: this.body,
                var html = template(context);

        function hidePrev() { $('.pagination .pagination-prev').hide(); }
        function showPrev() { $('.pagination .pagination-prev').show(); }

        function hideNext() { $('.pagination .pagination-next').hide(); }
        function showNext() { $('.pagination .pagination-next').show(); }

        function paginate(page,pageCount) {
            var source = $("#pagination-template").html();
            var template = Handlebars.compile(source);
            var context = { pages: range(page,pageCount) };
            var html = template(context);
            var paginationTag = opts.postsDiv.parent().find(".pagination");
            paginationTag.length > 0 ? paginationTag.replaceWith(html) : opts.postsDiv.before(html);

            function changePage(page) {
                pageItems.filter('[data-page="' + page + '"]').addClass('active');
                loadPosts(data.slice(page * opts.pageMax - opts.pageMax, page * opts.pageMax));
                if (gotoPageNumber <= 1) {

            var pageItems = $('.pagination>li.pagination-page');
            var pageItemsLastPage = $('.pagination li').length - 2;
            pageItems.filter('[data-page="' + page + '"]').addClass('active');

            pageItems.on('click', function () {
                getDataPageNo = this.getAttribute('data-page')
                if (getDataPageNo == 1) {
                else if (getDataPageNo == pageItemsLastPage) {
                else {

            $('.pagination>li.pagination-prev').on('click', function () {
                gotoPageNumber = parseInt($('.pagination>li.active').attr('data-page')) - 1;

            $('.pagination>li.pagination-next').on('click', function () {
                gotoPageNumber = parseInt($('.pagination>li.active').attr('data-page')) + 1;
                if (gotoPageNumber > pageCount) {
                    gotoPageNumber = 1;

            dataType: 'json',
            url: opts.dataUrl,
            success: function (response_json) {
                data = $(response_json.records.page);
                dataCount = data.length;

                pageCount = Math.ceil(dataCount / opts.pageMax);

                if (dataCount > opts.pageMax) {
                    posts = data.slice(0, opts.pageMax);
                } else {
                    posts = data;



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