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[英]Talkback announces “dimmed” instead of “disabled” for buttons and checkboxes

Similar to this iOS-question ( VoiceOver announces dimmed instead of disabled for buttons ) I have the same problem, but for Android devices with Talkback. 与此iOS问题类似( VoiceOver宣布按钮变暗,而不是禁用按钮 ),我也遇到同样的问题,但对于带有话语提示的Android设备。

Why is Talkback announcing some elements like buttons or checkboxes as "dimmed" instead of "disabled"? 为什么“话语提示”将“按钮”或“复选框”等某些元素声明为“变暗”而不是“已禁用”?

Should I somehow change this, or leave it as Talkback reads it? 我应该以某种方式更改此设置,还是将其保留在“话语提示”中? If I should change it to "disabled / dimmed" so that it's consistent over the whole app, how? 如果我应该将其更改为“ disabled / dimited”,以便在整个应用程序中保持一致,该怎么办?

[EDIT]: [编辑]:

Example: 例:


It seems that not only buttons use "dimmed", but check / tick boxes as well. 似乎不仅按钮使用了“变暗”,而且还选中了/打勾复选框。

Also only the english language seems to use "dimmed", in german it's still read as "deaktiviert" (disabled). 同样,只有英语似乎使用了“变暗”,在德语中,它仍然被读为“ deaktiviert”(已禁用)。

Don't change it. 不要改变它。 TalkBack is responding to properties in ways that users would be accustomed to. “话语提示”以用户习惯的方式响应属性。 Sometimes the default behavior is the most accessible because it is expected, even when it isn't quite ideal. 有时,默认行为是最可访问的,因为它是预期的,即使它不是很理想。

If you would like an answer to the "why" I would need more information on the particular examples that your talking about. 如果您想回答“为什么”,我需要您所谈论的特定示例的更多信息。 Are there apps that exhibit this behavior? 是否有表现出这种行为的应用程序? TalkBack updated not too long ago, but I generally hear the "disabled" announcement over the "dimmed" announcement from TalkBack from the "obvious" times that such an announcement would apply. TalkBack不久前已更新,但我通常会从适用于此类公告的“明显”时间听到来自TalkBack的“已禁用”公告的“已禁用”公告。 I certainly wouldn't expect there to be a general distinction between the two. 我当然不希望两者之间有一般的区别。

Also, I'm looking through the current version of TalkBack (again TalkBack has been updated recently, so the open source version may not be up to date and available) and can't find the localized string "dimmed" anywhere. 另外,我正在浏览TalkBack的当前版本(再次说,TalkBack最近已更新,因此开放源代码版本可能不是最新的并且不可用),并且找不到任何地方的本地化字符串“变暗”。 There are references to "screen dimmed" but this is certainly different from what you're talking about. 提到了“屏幕变暗”,但这肯定与您所说的有所不同。 Which suggests to me that the "dimmed" announcement is coming from changes in the code that I would recommend be UNDONE, so as to allow the "disabled" announcement that TalkBack users would be accustomed to. 对我来说,“变暗”的提示来自我建议将代码更改为“ UNDONE”,以便允许“话语提示”用户习惯的“已禁用”的提示。 This sounds to me like something someone coming from an iOS background wanted to duplicate. 在我看来,这就像某个来自iOS背景的人想要复制的东西。 The behavior in iOS is to announce disabled things as "dimmed". iOS中的行为是将禁用的东西声明为“变暗”。 Duplicating this on Android would absolutely be innapropriate. 在Android上重复此操作绝对是不适当的。 Let TalkBack do its thing! 让TalkBack尽其所能!

Providing code examples would be helpful for me to be more sure about all of these things, your question is quite ambiguous. 提供代码示例将有助于我更加确定所有这些事情,您的问题非常模棱两可。 What types of controls? 什么类型的控件? A Button for example may behave different from a Tab in a TabWidget, and this may be intentional. 例如,Button的行为可能不同于TabWidget中的Tab,这可能是有意的。 The way your question is worded, any more specific answers than I have given would be speculative. 问题的措辞方式,任何比我给出的答案还要具体的猜测。

EDIT: 编辑:

The different parts of this announcement: 本公告的不同部分:

Every Sunday (0): The text of the control 每个星期日(0):控件的文本

Tick Box: The calculated role of the control. 勾选框:控件的计算角色。 In stock Android this will announce as "CheckBox" (I'm testing on 7.0, with the current GitHub TalkBack). 在有货的Android中,它将宣布为“ CheckBox”(我正在使用当前的GitHub TalkBack在7.0上进行测试)。 Samsung would be best off to leave this as "Check Box" from stock Android OS, I don't know why they felt the need to change "Check Box" to "Tick Box" just to be different. 三星最好从现有的Android OS保留为“复选框”,我不知道为什么他们觉得有必要将“复选框”更改为“滴答盒”。 Doing things just to be different is annoying, there is no objective difference between "Check Box" and "Tick Box" (licensing???). 做不同的事情很烦人,“复选框”和“勾选框”(许可?)之间没有客观差异。

Not Selected: The current calculated state of the control. 未选择:控件的当前计算状态。 In Stock Android this would read out as "Not Checked". 在有库存的Android中,这将显示为“未选中”。 Unless the app is overriding this, Samsung would seem to be mucking with this as well. 除非应用程序能够覆盖这一点,否则三星似乎也会对此感到厌烦。 They should stop doing so, but again, out of your control and best left alone. 他们应该停止这样做,但同样,请注意,不受您的控制,最好不要理会。 Samsung users will be used to this. 三星用户将习惯于此。 Though ultimately I find "Not Selected" to be a little ambiguous in terms of a CheckBox control. 虽然最终我发现“未选定”在CheckBox控件方面有点含糊。 "Not Ticked" I think would be better. 我认为“不打勾”会更好。

Dimmed: Again, another thing that, unless your code is overriding (which I don't think it can in this case for this bit of calculated state). 变暗:同样,另一件事是,除非您的代码被覆盖(对于这种计算状态,在这种情况下,我认为这不可能)。 This is the calculated enable/disabled state of the control. 这是计算得出的控件的启用/禁用状态。 In stock Android this would read out as "disabled". 在有现货的Android中,这将显示为“已禁用”。 Again, leave this alone. 再说一次,别管它。 Samsung would ALSO be best to leave this alone. 三星最好也不要管它。

It would definitely appear that Samsung is doing strange things to the Accessibility read outs of calculated components. 显然,三星正在对计算所得组件的辅助功能读数做奇怪的事情。 I'm not sure what version of Android this Samsung flavor is built off of, but I don't believe those read outs have changed. 我不确定这种三星风格的Android是哪个版本,但我不认为这些读数已经改变。 I know CheckBox and Disabled have been the same since 4.2 - 7.0 (probably Android O as well.). 我知道CheckBox和Disabled自4.2-7.0以来一直是相同的(可能也是AndroidO。)。 These minor changes fracture the Android Accessibility Ecosystem. 这些细微的变化破坏了Android Accessibility生态系统。 For these particular elements, Samsung would definitely be best off just to leave them alone. 对于这些特定元素,三星绝对是最好的选择,就是不要管它们。 HOWEVER, given that Samsung has made these changes, you are best off NOT fixing this fragmentation. 但是,鉴于三星已进行了这些更改,因此最好不要修复此碎片。 Let Samsung users and Nexus users and Motorola users experience things in the way they are used to and get accustomed to their devices. 让三星用户和Nexus用户以及摩托罗拉用户以他们习惯并习惯于他们的设备的方式体验事物。 Allow default behaviors unless overriding them is absolutely necessary. 允许默认行为,除非绝对必要覆盖它们。 Hearing "disabled" when your expecting "dimmed" is confusing, not to mention a maintenance nightmare should Samsung decide NOT to override this any more or vice versa. 当您期望的“昏暗”令人困惑时,您会听到“残疾”的声音,更不用说维护噩梦了,如果三星决定不再对此进行任何改动,反之亦然。 When the OS is "calculating" state and doing so reasonably... let it happen! 当操作系统正在“计算”状态并合理地进行操作时,请让它发生!

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