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[英]Insert a variable into a display string in twig

I saved my translation data in a database, each line contains a language in the twig template ,i set the variable so 我将翻译数据保存在数据库中,每一行在树枝模板中都包含一种语言,我将变量设置为

{% if app.request.getLocale()== 'en' %}
    {% set language = 1 %} 
    {% set language = 0 %} 
{% endif %}

i use this for display data from database 我用它来显示数据库中的数据


I wanted to use the variable language to change the display 我想使用可变语言来更改显示


I have tried it with concatenation and other ways but does not 我已经用串联和其他方式尝试过,但是没有


How i can fix this ,thank very much 我该如何解决,非常感谢


<p>{{ indexpage[language].titpage }}</p>

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