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[英]case insensitive for sets in python

I have a list that is generated from multiple lists. 我有一个由多个列表生成的列表。 This combined list contains names that are generated by end users. 该组合列表包含最终用户生成的名称。 Therefore contain similar names, but with different upper/lower case characters. 因此,包含相似的名称,但具有不同的大写/小写字符。 I want to filter out the names that contain same characters and just keep the first found in the original list. 我想过滤出包含相同字符的名称,并将第一个保留在原始列表中。

As an example I have the following list: 例如,我有以下列表:

L0 = ['A_B Cdef', 'A_B Cdef', 'A_B Cdef', 'A_B CdEF', 'A_B CDEF','a_B CdEF', 'A_b CDEF', 'GG_ooo', 'a1-23456']

if I run: 如果我运行:

L1 = list(set(L0))

I get: 我得到:

['a1-23456', 'A_B Cdef', 'A_B CdEF', 'A_B CDEF', 'a_B CdEF', 'A_b CDEF', 'GG_ooo']

I would like to keep just the first of the names that have same characters. 我只想保留第一个具有相同字符的名称。

So my result is: 所以我的结果是:

['a1-23456', 'A_B Cdef', 'GG_ooo']

If I use .lower() , .upper() I get the list, but the names are lower/upper cased. 如果我使用.lower() .upper() .lower().upper()得到列表,但名称是小写/大写。

I just want to eliminate "duplicates" without considering case sensitive approach. 我只想消除“重复项”,而不考虑区分大小写的方法。

Help greatly appreciated. 帮助极大的赞赏。

Thanks! 谢谢!

You can track the .lower() version of the values using a set and then append the original values to a new list if their .lower() version isn't already in the set: 您可以使用集合跟踪值的.lower()版本,然后将原始值附加到新列表(如果.lower()没有.lower()版本):

s = set()
L = []
for x in L0:
  if x.lower() not in s:

# ['A_B Cdef', 'GG_ooo', 'a1-23456']


L0 = {value.lower(): value for value in L0[::-1]}.values()

You already have several good answers, and the code below is probably overkill for your use-case, but just for fun I created a simple case-insensitive mutable set class. 您已经有了几个不错的答案,下面的代码可能对您的用例而言有些过头,但只是出于娱乐目的,我创建了一个不区分大小写的简单可变集类。 Note that it keeps the first string that it finds rather than letting it get clobbered by later entries. 请注意,它保留找到的第一个字符串,而不是让以后的条目淹没它。

import collections.abc

class CasefoldSet(collections.abc.MutableSet):
    def __init__(self, iterable=None):
        self.elements = {} 
        if iterable is not None:
            for v in iterable:

    def __contains__(self, value):
        return value.casefold() in self.elements

    def add(self, value):
        key = value.casefold()
        if key not in self.elements:
            self.elements[key] = value

    def discard(self, value):
        key = value.casefold()
        if key in self.elements:
            del self.elements[key]

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.elements)

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.elements.values())

    def __repr__(self):
        return '{' + ', '.join(map(repr, self)) + '}'

# test

l0 = [
    'GG_ooo', 'A_B Cdef', 'A_B Cdef', 'A_B Cdef', 
    'A_B CdEF', 'A_B CDEF', 'a_B CdEF', 'A_b CDEF', 'a1-23456',

l1 = CasefoldSet(l0[:4])
l1 |= l0[4:]
l2 = {'a', 'b', 'A_B Cdef'} | l1
l3 = l2 & {'a', 'GG_ooo', 'a_B CdEF'}

output 输出

{'GG_ooo', 'A_B Cdef'}
{'GG_ooo', 'A_B Cdef', 'a1-23456'}
{'GG_ooo', 'A_B Cdef', 'a1-23456', 'b', 'a'}
{'a_B CdEF', 'a', 'GG_ooo'}

This class inherits various useful methods from collections.abc.MutableSet , but to make it a full replacement for set it does need a few more methods. 此类从collections.abc.MutableSet继承了各种有用的方法,但是要使其完全替代set它确实需要更多方法。 Note that it will raise AttributeError if you try to pass it non-string items . 请注意,如果您尝试传递非字符串项目,它将引发AttributeError

If you want to play by the rules, the best solution I can think of is a bit messy, using sets to track which words have appeared; 如果您想遵守规则,我能想到的最好的解决方案是有点混乱,使用集来跟踪出现了哪些单词;

seen_words = set()
L1 = []
for word in L0:
    if word.lower() not in seen_words:

If you want to get a little hackier there is a more elegant solution, you can use a dictionary to track which words have already been seen, and it's an almost one-liner; 如果您想成为一名黑客,可以使用一种更优雅的解决方案,您可以使用词典来跟踪已经看到过的单词,并且几乎是一种语言。

seen_words = {}
L1 = [seen_words.setdefault(word.lower(), word) 
      for word in L0 if word.lower() not in seen_words]

Both solutions outputs the same result; 两种解决方案都输出相同的结果。

['A_B Cdef', 'GG_ooo', 'a1-23456']

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