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[英]Multiple root route for FOSRestBundle

I'm using the FOSRestBundle and I can't find how to have two different endpoint, one for the template rendering (html/twig, /app for example) and another one for the serialization (json, /api for example). 我正在使用FOSRestBundle,我找不到如何使用两个不同的端点,一个端点用于模板渲染(例如html / twig, /app ),另一个端点用于序列化(例如json, /api )。 Is it possible ? 可能吗 ? The documentation for FOSRestBundle Automatic Route generation , does not indicate any of this. FOSRestBundle自动路由生成的文档没有对此进行任何说明。

Using Symfony 3 and FOSRestBundle 2.x 使用Symfony 3和FOSRestBundle 2.x

You can configure this via format listeners in your app/config.yml. 您可以通过app / config.yml中的格式侦听器进行配置。

        - { path: '^/api', priorities: [json], fallback_format: json, prefer_extension: false }
        - { path: '^/', priorities: ['text/html', '*/*'], fallback_format: html, prefer_extension: false }
  param_fetcher_listener: force
    view_response_listener: force
        json: true
        html: true

About the routing part, here's an example of one controller with two actions, one for each type of response (annotations): 关于路由部分,这是一个具有两个动作的控制器的示例,每个动作对应一种响应(注释):

namespace RVW\AppBundle\Controller;

use FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\Route;
use FOS\RestBundle\Controller\FOSRestController;
use FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\View;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Method;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

class BrandController extends FOSRestController
   * @param Request $request
   * @View(statusCode=Response::HTTP_OK)
   * @Route("/brands", name="brands")
   * @Method({"GET"})
   * @return View
  public function brandsAction(Request $request): View
    return $this->container->get('doctrine')->getRepository('AppBundle:Brand')->findAll();

   * @Route("/", name="index")
   * @return Response
  public function indexAction(Request $request): Response
    return $this->render('@App/index.html.twig', [
        'data' => $data,

Cheers, 干杯,

Simply specify a prefix in your routing configuration. 只需在路由配置中指定prefix

If you're using YAML, you can change your routing.yml file: 如果您使用的是YAML,则可以更改routing.yml文件:

    resource: '@AppBundle/Controller/'
    type:      annotation
    prefix:    /app

    type:     rest
    resource: AppBundle\Controller\RestController
    prefix:   /api

Now your normal routes start with /app and your REST routes start with /api 现在,您的常规路由以/app开头,而REST路由以/api开头

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