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PhpStorm .vue哈巴狗造型

[英]PhpStorm .vue pug styling

Is anyone getting issues with syntax highlighting for .vue files within PhpStorm when using pug? 使用.vue时, .vue在PhpStorm中的.vue文件的语法突出显示方面遇到问题吗?

Is this something that it only available in WebStorm and not planning on coming to PhpStorm? 这仅在WebStorm中可用,而不打算进入PhpStorm吗?

Within PhpStorm my view file looks like the following: 在PhpStorm中,我的视图文件如下所示:


I have the following plugins installed: 我安装了以下插件:
.ignore, AngularJS, Apache config (.htaccess) support, ASP, BashSupport, Behat Support, Blade Support, Bootstrap 3, Codeception Framework, CoffeeScript, Color Ide, Command Line Tool Support, Copyright, CSS Support, CSSReorder (beta), CVS Integration, Database Tools and SQL, Docker integration, Drupal Support, EditorConfig, EJS, File Watchers, Gherkin, Git Integration, GitHub, GNU GetText files support (*.po), Go Lang Plugin, Google App Engine Support for PHP, Haml, hg4idea, HTML Tools, Ini4Idea, IntelliLang, JavaScript Debugger, JavaScript Intention Power Pack, JavaScript Support, Joomla! Support, Karma, Less support, Markdown Navigator, Markdown support, Material Theme UI, NodeJS, Perforce Integration, Performance Testing, Phing Support, PHP Docker, PHP Remote Interpreter, PHPSpec BDD Framework, PhpStorm Workshop, Pug (ex-Jade), QuirksMode, Refactor-X, Remote Hosts Access, REST Client, ReStructuredText Support, Sass support, Settings Repository, SSH Remote Run, Stylus support, Subversion Integration, Task Management, Terminal, TextMate bundles support, Time Tracking, tslint, Twig Support, UML Support, Vagrant, Vue.js, W3C Validators, WordPress Support, XPathView + XSLT Support, XSLT-Debugger, YAML

If I open the same file within WebStorm it highlights as expected. 如果我在WebStorm中打开相同的文件,它将突出显示。


Im running Phpstorm 2017.1.4 & Vue.js plugin is version 171.4424.63. 我正在运行Phpstorm 2017.1.4和Vue.js插件的版本为171.4424.63。 I have removed the Vue.js plugin and re-installed it a number of times with no luck. 我已经删除了Vue.js插件,并多次将其重新安装,但是没有运气。

it works in PHPStorm just in the same way as in Webstorm: 它在PHPStorm中的工作方式与在Webstorm中相同:


from your screenshot it seems that you have the wrong (old) Vue.js plugin installed. 从屏幕快照中,您似乎安装了错误的(旧)Vue.js插件。 what PhpStorm version do you work with? 您使用什么PhpStorm版本?

Thanks @lena 谢谢@lena

Within (Settings | Editor | File Types) *.vue was not listed. 在(设置|编辑器|文件类型)中* .vue未列出。

I had a section called Vue.js Templates but it empty with no Registered Patterns. 我有一个名为Vue.js模板的部分,但没有任何注册模式,它为空。 Adding *.vue in there fixed my issue. 在其中添加* .vue解决了我的问题。

Thanks. 谢谢。

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