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[英]How do I delegate derived class method to protocol method?

I am very new to Objective C. Please excuse me if you find my question very naive. 我对目标C非常陌生。如果您发现我的问题很幼稚,请原谅。 I tried searching on web, but due to lack of good context, search results don't seem to fit my requirement. 我尝试在网络上搜索,但是由于缺乏良好的背景信息,搜索结果似乎不符合我的要求。

I have a method foo declared in protocol P . 我有在协议P声明的方法foo interface Derived inherit from P and provide implementation of foo . interface派生自P并提供foo实现。 I have another interface AnotherDerived which inherit from protocol P . 我有另一个interface AnotherDerived ,它继承自协议P I want to delegate call from method of AnotherDerived to foo so that Derived method gets invoked. 我想将来自AnotherDerived方法的调用委托给foo以便调用Derived方法。

@protocol P <NSObject>

- (NSString *)foo;


@interface Derived: NSObject <P>
- (NSString *)foo
    return _foo;

@interface AnotherDerived: NSObject <P>
- (NSString *)foo
    return [super foo];  <----------------- I need something like this. It should call method of Derived

Is there a way to do this? 有没有办法做到这一点?

Simply because two classes implement the same protocol, doesn't mean that there is some relationship between those two classes. 仅仅因为两个类实现相同的协议,并不意味着这两个类之间存在某种关系。 The foo method in AnotherDerived has no knowledge that there is some other class, Derived , that also implements foo . AnotherDerivedfoo方法不知道还有其他类Derived也实现了foo

You could allocate an instance of Derived explicitly in AnotherDerived 's foo and use that: 您可以在AnotherDerivedfoo显式分配一个Derived实例,并使用该实例:

@interface AnotherDerived: NSObject <P>
- (NSString *)foo
    Derived *d = [Derived new];
    return [d foo];

Or you could potentially declare foo as a class method: 或者,您可以将foo声明为类方法:

@protocol P <NSObject>

+ (NSString *)foo;


@interface Derived: NSObject <P>
+ (NSString *)foo
    return _foo;

But you would still need to explicitly invoke foo from Derived 但是您仍然需要从Derived显式调用foo

@interface AnotherDerived: NSObject <P>
+ (NSString *)foo
    return [Derived foo];

Finally, you could make AnotherDerived inherit from Derived as others have pointed out. 最后,您可以像其他人指出的那样,使AnotherDerivedDerived继承。

If I understand correctly, your Derived implements P , and your AnotherDerived is supposed to call foo implemented in Derived ? 如果我理解正确,则您的Derived实现P ,而您的AnotherDerived应该调用在Derived实现的foo You need to make AnotherDerived inherit from Derived : 您需要使AnotherDerivedDerived继承:

@interface AnotherDerived: Derived
- (NSString *)foo
    return [super foo];

No need to make AnotherDerived implement P , because Derived already does that. 无需制作AnotherDerived工具P ,因为Derived已经做到了。

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