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[英]How to convert str to float in pandas

I'm trying to convert a string of my dataset to a float type. 我正在尝试将我的数据集字符串转换为浮点类型。 Here some context: 这里有一些背景:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import xlrd
file_location = "/Users/sekr2/Desktop/Jari/Leistungen/leistungen2_2017.xlsx"
workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(file_location)
sheet = workbook.sheet_by_index(0)

df = pd.read_excel("/Users/.../bla.xlsx")


    Leistungserbringer Anzahl Leistung     AL      TL      TaxW    Taxpunkte
 0  McGregor Sarah  12  'Konsilium'     147.28  87.47   KVG     234.75
 1  McGregor Sarah  12  'Grundberatung' 47.00   67.47   KVG     114.47
 2  McGregor Sarah  12  'Extra 5min'    87.28   87.47   KVG     174.75
 3  McGregor Sarah  12  'Respirator'    147.28  102.01  KVG     249.29
 4  McGregor Sarah  12  'Besuch'        167.28  87.45   KVG     254.73

To keep working on this I need to find a way to create a new column: df['Leistungswert'] = df['Taxpunkte'] * df['Anzahl'] * df['TaxW'] . 为了继续努力,我需要找到一种方法来创建一个新列: df['Leistungswert'] = df['Taxpunkte'] * df['Anzahl'] * df['TaxW']

TaxW shows the string 'KVG' for each entry. TaxW显示每个条目的字符串'KVG'。 I know from the data that 'KVG' = 0.89. 我从数据中得知'KVG'= 0.89。 I have hit a wall with trying to convert the string into a float. 我试图将字符串转换为浮点数而撞墙。 I cannot just create a new column with the float type because this code should work with further inputs. 我不能只使用float类型创建一个新列,因为此代码应该与其他输入一起使用。 In the column TaxW there are about 7 different entries with all different values. 在TaxW列中,大约有7个不同的条目具有所有不同的值。

I'm thankful for all information on this matter. 我很感谢有关此事的所有信息。

KVG = 0.92

Assuming 'KVG' isn't the only possible string value in TaxW , you should store a mapping of strings to their float equivalent, like this: 假设'KVG'不唯一可能的字符串值TaxW ,应该字符串的映射存储到其浮等同,就像这样:

map_ = {'KVG' : 0.89, ... } # add more fields here 

Then, you can use Series.map : 然后,您可以使用Series.map

In [424]: df['Leistungswert'] = df['Taxpunkte'] * df['Anzahl'] * df['TaxW'].map(map_); df['Leistungswert']
0    2507.1300
1    1222.5396
2    1866.3300
3    2662.4172
4    2720.5164
Name: Leistungswert, dtype: float64

Alternatively, you can use df.transform : 或者,您可以使用df.transform

In [435]: df['Leistungswert'] = df.transform(lambda x: x['Taxpunkte'] * x['Anzahl'] * map_[x['TaxW']], axis=1); df['Lei
     ...: stungswert']
0    2507.1300
1    1222.5396
2    1866.3300
3    2662.4172
4    2720.5164
Name: Leistungswert, dtype: float64

Alternative solution which uses map_ mapping from @COLDSPEED: 使用map_ mapping的替代解决方案:

In [237]: df.assign(TaxW=df['TaxW'].map(map_)) \
            .eval("Leistungswert = Taxpunkte * Anzahl * TaxW", inplace=False)
  Leistungserbringer  Anzahl       Leistung      AL      TL  TaxW  Taxpunkte  Leistungswert
0     McGregor Sarah      12      Konsilium  147.28   87.47  0.89     234.75      2507.1300
1     McGregor Sarah      12  Grundberatung   47.00   67.47  0.89     114.47      1222.5396
2     McGregor Sarah      12     Extra 5min   87.28   87.47  0.89     174.75      1866.3300
3     McGregor Sarah      12     Respirator  147.28  102.01  0.89     249.29      2662.4172
4     McGregor Sarah      12         Besuch  167.28   87.45  0.89     254.73      2720.5164

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