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[英]How to dynamically resize xib according to UITextView

I am using auto layout. 我正在使用自动布局。

  • I am loading UIView from xib. 我正在从xib加载UIView
  • All elements have static size except UITextView . UITextView之外,所有元素都具有静态大小。
  • I've disabled scroll on UITextView 我已禁用UITextView上的滚动
  • UITextView is filled with the text of different size on ViewDidLoad() . UITextView在ViewDidLoad()上填充了不同大小的文本。 So it can be 1 line or 7 lines there for example. 因此它可以是1行或7行。

I am loading this UIView with the following method: 我正在使用以下方法加载此UIView:

fileprivate func setTableHeaderView() {
    guard let _headerView = UINib(nibName: "TableHeaderView",
                                 bundle: nil).instantiate(withOwner: self, options: nil)[0] as? UIView else { return }

    tableView.tableHeaderView = UIView(frame:
        CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: tableView.frame.width, height: _headerView.frame.size.height))

    configureViewController() // here I set the text for UITextView

When I load this UIView the height is always the same both before and after layoutSubviews . 当我加载此UIViewlayoutSubviews之前和之后的高度始终相同。 Actually the size always is equal to the initial size of the xib that is set in the Size Inspector of XCode. 实际上,大小始终等于XCode 大小检查器中设置的xib的初始大小。

I want to UITextView to fit the text size and to have different xib UIView size that will depend on the size of UITextView + all other elements + constraints. 我想让UITextView适应文本大小并具有不同的xib UIView大小,这取决于UITextView +所有其他元素+约束的大小。

I've tried different ways to implement this but but none did not help. 我尝试了不同的方法来实现这一点,但没有一个方法没有帮助。 What I've tried: 我尝试过的

  • to set constraints in different ways 以不同的方式设定约束
  • to call layoutSubviews() forcibly and check the size of the resulted UIView 强制调用layoutSubviews()并检查生成的UIView的大小
  • to check size of UIView after viewDidLayoutSubviews 在viewDidLayoutSubviews之后检查UIView的大小
  • translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = true with autoresizingMask = .flexibleHeight autoresizingMask = .flexibleHeight translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = true autoresizingMask = .flexibleHeight

Is it possible to implement this idea in such way? 有可能以这种方式实现这一想法吗?

Try to override viewDidLayoutSubviewsMethod 尝试覆盖viewDidLayoutSubviewsMethod

override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {

    // Dynamic sizing for the header view
    if let headerView = tableView.tableHeaderView {
        let height = headerView.systemLayoutSizeFittingSize(UILayoutFittingCompressedSize).height
        var headerFrame = headerView.frame

        // If we don't have this check, viewDidLayoutSubviews() will get
        // repeatedly, causing the app to hang.
        if height != headerFrame.size.height {
            headerFrame.size.height = height
            headerView.frame = headerFrame
            tableView.tableHeaderView = headerView

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