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[英]Grizzly Static Content path below the context webapp

Just spent a day trying to get Grizzly Static Content working. 刚花了一天时间尝试使Grizzly Static Content正常工作。 The following URL from the Grizzly Blog explained alot: Grizzly STatic Content . 以下来自Grizzly Blog的URL进行了很多解释: Grizzly STatic Content

I am trying to mimic Tomcat, in that I would the path to the static content to be below the webapp or the context handle. 我试图模仿Tomcat,因为我会将静态内容的路径设置在webapp或上下文句柄之下。

public class SampleAdminApplication extends ResourceConfig {
    public SampleAdminApplication() {

public class SampleGrizzlyWebServer {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        try {
            HttpServer httpServer = GrizzlyHttpServerFactory.createHttpServer(

            /*--- Static Content ---*/
            String jarPath = getJarPath(SampleGrizzlyWebServer.class);
            CLStaticHttpHandler clStaticHttpHandler = new CLStaticHttpHandler(
                    new URLClassLoader(new URL[] {new File(jarPath).toURI().toURL()}),
                    "/", "/lib/", "/js/", "/css/");
            ServerConfiguration sc = httpServer.getServerConfiguration();

            /*--- SampleAdmin WebappContext ---*/
            WebappContext SampleAdminContext = new WebappContext("WebappContext", "/" + webapp + "/" + "SampleAdmin");

            /*--- Servlet ---*/
            final ResourceConfig sampleAdminRc = new SampleAdminApplication();
            ServletRegistration sampleAdminRegistration = SampleAdminContext.addServlet("ServletContainer", new ServletContainer(sampleAdminRc));

             * Deploy Server
             * Start Server
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            System.err.println("Error: " + ex.getMessage());

The above code works with the following URL's: 上面的代码适用于以下URL:


However I would like the static pages to be below the webapp path "Sample" Like: 但是我希望静态页面位于webapp路径“ Sample”下方,例如:


Any help would be appreciated. 任何帮助,将不胜感激。

Well I don't know if I get any badges for answering my own question :) I worked for a couple of days, trying to implement a forward from a filter. 好吧,我不知道是否有任何徽章可以回答我自己的问题:)我工作了几天,试图从过滤器实现转发。 There are multiple unanswered posts on this forum about jersey forwarding. 这个论坛上有许多关于球衣转发的未答复的帖子。 Not obvious how to forward from a filter. 如何从过滤器转发不明显。 EndRant EndRant

My solution was to use the deprecated call to HttpHandlerRegistration.builder() that allowed me to effectively set up a /Sample/UI context. 我的解决方案是使用对HttpHandlerRegistration.builder()的弃用调用,该调用使我可以有效地设置/ Sample / UI上下文。

Now the code behaves like Tomcat where Sample/{SampleAdmin,UI} are the endpoints. 现在,代码的行为类似于Tomcat,其中Sample / {SampleAdmin,UI}是端点。

   startServer("http://", "localhost", "Sample", "UI", "9090");

   public static void startServer(String protocol, String host, String webapp, String ui, String port) {
        try {
            String BASE_URI = protocol + host + ":" + port + "/" + webapp + "/";

            HttpServer httpServer = GrizzlyHttpServerFactory.createHttpServer(URI.create(BASE_URI));

            /*--- Static UI Content ---*/
            if(ui!=null && !ui.equals("")) {
                String jarPath = getJarPath(SampleGrizzlyWebServer.class);
                if (jarPath != null) {
                    CLStaticHttpHandler clStaticHttpHandler = new CLStaticHttpHandler(
                            new URLClassLoader(new URL[]{new File(jarPath).toURI().toURL()}),
                            "/", "/lib/", "/js/", "/css/");
                    ServerConfiguration sc = httpServer.getServerConfiguration();
                    sc.addHttpHandler(clStaticHttpHandler, HttpHandlerRegistration.builder().contextPath("/" + webapp + "/" + ui + "").urlPattern("").build());

            /*--- SampleAdmin WebappContext ---*/
            WebappContext SampleAdminContext = new WebappContext("WebappContext", "/" + webapp + "/" + "SampleAdmin");

            /*--- Servlet ---*/
            final ResourceConfig sampleAdminRc = new SampleAdminApplication();
            ServletRegistration sampleAdminRegistration = SampleAdminContext.addServlet("ServletContainer", new ServletContainer(sampleAdminRc));

             * Deploy Server

            System.out.println("Jersey app started with WADL available at:");
            System.out.println(BASE_URI + "SampleAdmin/application.wdl");
            System.out.println("Hit enter to stop it...");
        catch(Exception ex) {
           System.err.println("Error: " + ex.getMessage());

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