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[英]How to implement IDataErrorInfo for Validation on Entities when editing but not viewing

Using Entity Framework 6 with DB First but still relatively new to it. 将Entity Framework 6与DB First结合使用,但仍相对较新。 I am using IDataErrorInfo on the model for validation, which works fine when editing a single entity. 我在模型上使用IDataErrorInfo进行验证,在编辑单个实体时可以正常工作。 Eg Editing a single Address. 例如,编辑一个地址。

However, I noticed a severe performance hit when loading multiple entities (using LINQ). 但是,我注意到在加载多个实体(使用LINQ)时会严重降低性能。 (eg the command myContext.Address.ToList() when filling a datagridview was taking over a second to populate each row). (例如,在填充datagridview时,命令myContext.Address.ToList()花费了一秒钟来填充每一行)。 This is because for every row retrieved from the DB, the corresponding entity fires the validation / error checking code multiple times. 这是因为对于从数据库中检索到的每一行,相应的实体都会多次触发验证/错误检查代码。 I realise this is the result of binding in the DataGridView , not due to simply retrieving from the DB. 我意识到这是在DataGridView进行绑定的结果,而不是仅仅从数据库中获取的结果。

I can work around this by setting a ValidationOn flag, set to false by default, that just returns true to all validation checks. 我可以通过设置ValidationOn标志(默认情况下设置为false)来解决此问题,该标志仅对所有验证检查都返回true。 That's much quicker but it still seems inefficient to run around those validation checks when there is no reason. 这要快得多,但是在没有理由的情况下运行那些验证检查似乎仍然效率低下。

Is there a way I can disable the Interface so it can be manually 'activated' when needed? 有没有一种方法可以禁用该接口,以便可以在需要时手动对其进行“激活”?

I assume it would be better to derive a class from my Model Entities and use that for implementing IDataErrorInfo but how do I define a generic class that can derive from any of my context objects? 我认为从我的模型实体派生一个类并使用它来实现IDataErrorInfo会更好,但是如何定义一个可以从我的任何上下文对象派生的泛型类呢?

I have tried creating this: 我尝试创建此:

public class ValidatingEntity : DbSet, IDataErrorInfo
    private readonly DbSet _myEntity;
    public ValidatingEntity(DbSet MyEntity) 
        _myEntity = MyEntity

which seems to work, but how do I know what the entity is to perform the correct validation tests. 这似乎可行,但是我如何知道实体将执行正确的验证测试。 eg How would I do this: 例如我该怎么做:

public string this[string columnName]
    if (_myEntity is Address)
        Address myAddress = (Address)_myEntity;
        If (columnName=="AddressCode")
            If (myAddress.AddressCode == string.empty) return "Code can not be blank";

The code if (_myEntity is Address) gives the warning given expression is never of the provided (Address) type . 如果代码if (_myEntity is Address)给出警告,则given expression is never of the provided (Address) type

In summary, 综上所述,

  • how to I create a derived class based on any of entities in my context? 如何根据上下文中的任何实体创建派生类?
  • how would I instantiate that class from any one of my entities? 我将如何从我的任何实体中实例化该类?
  • is there a better way of doing this? 有更好的方法吗?

UPDATE 1 更新1

I believe I have solved this by creating a Common Base class and Deriving my entities from there using the instructions found here: Using A Common Base Class Across Entity Framework Database First Entities 我相信我已经解决了这一问题,方法是创建一个通用基类,并按照此处的说明从此处派生我的实体: 在整个实体框架数据库的第一实体中使用通用基类。

It has also allowed me to build my own Interface to replace IDataErrorInfo as that as was causing my validation code to fire multiple times which I can now avoid. 它还允许我构建自己的接口来替换IDataErrorInfo因为这导致我的验证代码多次触发,现在可以避免了。

经过测试后,我很高兴在更新1中确定的方法就是解决方案(即基于此: https : //fairwaytech.com/2013/09/using-a-common-base-class-across-entity-框架数据库先实体/

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