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在Chrome中打印并使用“ page-break-inside” css时,会产生飞行表格文本的奇怪错误

[英]Weird bugs with flying table texts when printing in Chrome and using the 'page-break-inside' css

It appears a duplicated white text in the middle of the table only when print: 仅在打印时,表格中间才会显示重复的白色文本


I checked and this duplicated cell text only uses simple css styles . 我检查了一下,此重复的单元格文本仅使用简单的CSS样式
(nothing like 'position' or 'display' css) (不像“位置”或“显示” CSS)

Any clue? 有什么线索吗?

It seems there is some bugs in chrome around table thead 's and page-break-inside css style. 似乎tabletheadpage-break-inside css样式周围的chrome中存在一些bug
(there is a lot of different bug reports about this). (关于此的错误报告很多)。

I finally solved this, removing <thead> tags and work only with common rows <tr> . 我终于解决了这个问题,删除了<thead>标记,并且仅对常见行<tr>起作用。

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