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Tiki Net_LDAP2类加载

[英]Tiki Net_LDAP2 class loading

I have a problem when I tried to integrate tiki with my LDAP server. 当我尝试将tiki与LDAP服务器集成时出现问题。 In the test_ldap.php I wrote the code to debug according to this website ( https://doc.tiki.org/LDAP%20authentication ). 在test_ldap.php中,我编写了根据此网站( https://doc.tiki.org/LDAP%20authentication )进行调试的代码。 This code returned a success. 此代码返回成功。 So I know that my LDAP is working fine. 所以我知道我的LDAP工作正常。 I have a problem at 我有一个问题

$entry = Net_LDAP2_Entry::createConnected($this->_ldap, $this->_entry);

In the shiftEntry function in Search.php. 在Search.php中的shiftEntry函数中。 When I return debug in here, it goes to ClassLoader.php and it go to 当我在这里返回debug时,它将转到ClassLoader.php并转到

register_shutdown_function(function () {
TikiLib::events()->trigger('tiki.process.shutdown', []);});

In my opinion, maybe the problem is the 我认为,也许问题在于


The spl_autoload_call function called Net_LDAP2 which extends PEAR somewhere before this line in Search.php. 名为Net_LDAP2的spl_autoload_call函数将PEAR扩展到Search.php中此行之前的某个位置。 This would lead both Net_LDAP2 and PEAR and PEAR_ERROR... Then when it comes to Net_LDAP2_Entry class, it would also load PEAR.... Would this create a fatal error? 这将导致Net_LDAP2和PEAR以及PEAR_ERROR ...那么,当涉及到Net_LDAP2_Entry类时,它也会加载PEAR...。这会造成致命错误吗?

I keep having blank screen in my tiki. 我的tiki一直保持黑屏。 Tried to cut the code from Search.php to the test_ldap.php to test. 试图将代码从Search.php剪切到test_ldap.php进行测试。 It has the same problem. 它有同样的问题。

I am using: Version 16.2 OS: Clear OS Thanks for your help. 我正在使用:版本16.2操作系统:清除操作系统谢谢您的帮助。 I am blocked now. 我现在被封锁。

I think this may be a good start: https://dev.tiki.org/item6283 . 我认为这可能是一个不错的开始: https : //dev.tiki.org/item6283 If you look in the comments by albertgi he states changing some function names in PEAR.php. 如果您查看albertgi的注释,他指出将更改PEAR.php中的某些函数名称。 I was having LDAP integration problems and this was one of the key problems. 我遇到了LDAP集成问题,这是关键问题之一。

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