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[英]How to convert this ObjC code to swift3?

I am converting my ObjC code to Swift and stucking on this code. 我将我的ObjC代码转换为Swift并停留在该代码上。

for (id<Delegate> object in Objects)



Any help would be greatly appreciated!. 任何帮助将不胜感激!。

Thanks. 谢谢。

You can do something like this 你可以做这样的事情

for object in Objects {
     guard let delegateObject = object as? Delegate else {
    // rest of your loop here

Your Objective-C syntax is saying that you have a collection, called Objects , for which the objects conform to some protocol called Delegate . 您的Objective-C语法是说您有一个名为Objects的集合,其对象符合称为Delegate某种协议。 The syntax in Swift is the largely the same: Swift中的语法大致相同:

func callDelegateMethod(for objects: [Delegate]) {
    for object in objects {

Or 要么

func callDelegateMethod(for objects: [Delegate]) {
    objects.forEach { object in

Note, in those examples, I broadened the example to show how objects was declared (ie as an array of objects that conform to Delegate protocol). 注意,在这些示例中,我扩大了示例以显示如何声明objects (即,作为符合Delegate协议的对象数组)。

If your objects array was something more ambiguous, something for which the conformance to Delegate couldn't be determined at compile-time, (eg an an array of Any , or what have you), you might need to cast it. 如果您的objects数组比较含糊,而在编译时无法确定是否符合Delegate (例如, Any或您拥有的数组),则可能需要强制转换。 For example, if you know that everything in objects will conform to Delegate , you could do: 例如,如果您知道objects中的所有内容都将符合Delegate ,则可以执行以下操作:

for object in objects as! [Delegate] {

But, as! 但是, as! can be dangerous, as it will crash if any of those casts fail. 可能很危险,因为如果其中任何一个强制失败,它都会崩溃。 So if there is any possibility that any of the objects might not conform, you would optionally cast, eg 因此,如果有任何对象可能不符合的可能性,则可以选择强制转换,例如

for object in objects {
    if let object = object as? Delegate {

Or, writing that using functional methods like compactMap (previously called flatMap in Xcode versions prior to 9.3) and forEach : 或者,使用诸如compactMap (在9.3之前的Xcode版本中以前称为flatMap )和forEach类的功能方法来编写该代码:

objects.flatMap { $0 as? Delegate }  // use `compactMap` in Xcode 9.3 and later
    .forEach { object in

There are two possible options. 有两种可能的选择。

Manually 手动地

Paste your code in any online converters like Swiftify . 将您的代码粘贴到任何在线转换器(如Swiftify)中

From XCode 从XCode

Edit-> Convert-> To modern swift code

Then you will get almost exact swift 2.2 or 3 code. 然后,您将获得几乎准确的2.2或3代码。

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