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[英]How to add context to recompose's withHandlers()?

recompose has this function called withHandlers that lets you define an event handler while keeping your component pure. recompose具有一个称为withHandlers函数,该函数可让您定义事件处理程序,同时保持组件的纯净。

eg if you had something like this inside you render() method: 例如,如果在您的render()方法内部有这样的内容:

<TextInput value={value} onChange={ev => this.handleChange(ev.target.value)} />

it wouldn't be pure because every time your component renders, it'd by passing a different onChange function to your TextInput component. 这不是纯粹的,因为每次渲染组件时,都是通过将不同的onChange函数传递给TextInput组件来实现的。

This is great, but how can this be extended to support arrays of inputs? 很好,但是如何扩展它以支持输入数组? Or otherwise provide auxiliary data? 还是提供辅助数据?

eg taking their example and extending it a bit: 例如以他们的例子并扩展一下:

const enhance = compose(
    withState('values', 'updateValue', ''),
        onChange: props => inputName => event => {
            props.updateValue(inputName, event.target.value)
        onSubmit: props => event => {

const Form = enhance(({ value, onChange, onSubmit, inputs }) =>
    <form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
            {inputs.map(input => (
                <TextInput value={value} onChange={onChange(input)} />    

I've fudged the details a bit, but pretend inputs comes in as an array of input names. 我已经对细节进行了一些改动,但是假装inputs作为输入名称的数组出现。 eg ["firstName","lastName"] would render two textboxes, one for each. 例如["firstName","lastName"]将呈现两个文本框,每个文本框一个。

I want to store the values for each of these in my state, but I don't want to define separate updater functions for each. 我想在我的状态下存储每个值,但是我不想为每个值定义单独的更新程序功能。 Thus I need to attach some metadata to the onChange={...} prop so that I know which field I'm updating in my state. 因此,我需要将一些元数据附加到onChange={...}道具上,以便我知道我正在更新哪个字段。

How can I do that? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

In my example I wrote onChange(input) and added an extra 'level' to the withHandlers.onChange function to accept the extra argument, but withHandlers doesn't actually work that way. 在我的示例中,我编写了onChange(input)并在withHandlers.onChange函数中添加了一个额外的“级别”来接受额外的参数,但是withHandlers实际上并不能以这种方式工作。 Is there some way to do this -- ie, ensure that each TextInput receives the same function instance every time <Form> is rendered? 有什么方法可以做到这一点-即确保每次呈现<Form>时,每个TextInput接收相同的函数实例?

That's a typical case where you need to define the change handle directly inside your TextInput component. 这是典型的情况,您需要直接在TextInput组件内部定义更改句柄。 You'd need to pass updateValue function as a prop to TextInput components. 您需要将updateValue函数作为对TextInput组件的支持。

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