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[英]Check whether a string is composed of 3 capital letters and 4 numbers

I need to check if a string is composed by 3 capital letters and 4 digits. 我需要检查一个字符串是否由3个大写字母和4个数字组成。

For example: ABC1234 例如:ABC1234

How do I check it using regular expressions? 如何使用正则表达式检查它?

If you're looking for any order, here are two interesting ways of doing it: 如果您要查找任何订单,可以通过以下两种有趣的方式进行:


"Exactly seven characters, containing 4 digits and 3 capitals". “正好是七个字符,包含4位数字和3个大写字母”。


"Expect 4 digits and 3 capitals; then ensure we have exactly 7 digits-or-capitals in total, counting each as we go". “请期待4位数字和3个大写字母;然后确保我们总共总共有7位数字或大写字母,并随我们进行计数”。

I imagine something like this would work: https://regex101.com/r/81ZTVQ/1 我想象这样的事情会起作用: https : //regex101.com/r/81ZTVQ/1


Explanation: 说明:

  • [AZ] - Case sensitive sequential character (capital A to capital Z) match predicate [AZ] -区分大小写的连续字符(大写A到大写Z)匹配谓词
  • {n} - exact number match of preceding match predicate {n} -先前匹配谓词的精确数字匹配
  • [0-9] numeric range (in this case, 0 to 9) match predicate [0-9]数值范围(在这种情况下,为0到9)匹配谓词

Test cases: 测试用例:

ABC1234 - Full match
A1BC234 - No match
GFQ9230 - Full match
ACB0000 - Full match

Edit: 编辑:

I'd like to include my addition that is somewhat similar to Rawling's answer, yet slightly different. 我想补充一下我的补充内容,该内容与Rawling的回答有些相似,但略有不同。

https://regex101.com/r/81ZTVQ/7 https://regex101.com/r/81ZTVQ/7


Explanation 说明

  • (?=(.*[AZ]){3}) - Positive lookahead that matches AZ with any preceding character, 3 times. (?=(.*[AZ]){3}) -与AZ匹配任何前一个字符的正向超前3次。
  • (?=(.*\\d){4}) - Positive lookahead that matches 0-9 with any preceding character, 3 times. (?=(.*\\d){4}) -与0-9匹配任何前一个字符的正向超前3次。
  • ([AZ\\d]{7}) - the argument provided must match this predicate - 7 of any combination of AZ and 0-9. ([AZ\\d]{7}) -提供的参数必须匹配此谓词-AZ和0-9的任意组合为7。 I just prefer having it in a group, hence the grouping. 我只喜欢将其分组,因此分组。

Working logically backwards, we can have any combination of AZ and 0-9 as long as the length is 7. Then our positive lookaheads assert the length of the requirements (in this case, 4 digits, 3 capital letters). 从逻辑上向后工作,只要长度为7,我们就可以将AZ和0-9进行任意组合。然后我们的正向断言断言了需求的长度(在这种情况下,为4位数字,3个大写字母)。

Test Cases for Edit 编辑用例


Another regex: ^[AZ]{3}\\d{4}$ 另一个正则表达式: ^[AZ]{3}\\d{4}$

  • \\d stands for digits \\d代表数字
  • ^ anchor before first char ^第一个字符之前的锚点
  • $ anchor after last char $锚点位于最后一个字符之后

You can check if a string is composed of 3 capital letters and 4 numbers (assuming those capital letters and numbers can appear anywhere in the string) like this: 您可以检查字符串是否由3个大写字母和4个数字组成(假设这些大写字母和数字可以出现在字符串中的任何位置),如下所示:

    Regex rgx = new Regex(@"(^[A-Z]{3}\d{4}$)|(^[A-Z]{2}\d[A-Z]\d{3}$)|(^[A-Z]{2}\d{2}[A-Z]\d{2}$)|(^[A-Z]{2}\d{3}[A-Z]\d$)|(^[A-Z]{2}\d{4}[A-Z]$)|(^[A-Z]\d[A-Z]{2}\d{3}$)|(^[A-Z]\d[A-Z]\d[A-Z]\d{2}$)|(^[A-Z]\d[A-Z]\d{2}[A-Z]\d$)|(^[A-Z]\d[A-Z]\d{3}[A-Z]$)|(^[A-Z]\d{2}[A-Z]{2}\d{2}$)|(^[A-Z]\d{2}[A-Z]\d[A-Z]\d$)|(^[A-Z]\d{2}[A-Z]\d{2}[A-Z]$)|(^[A-Z]\d{3}[A-Z]{2}\d$)|(^[A-Z]\d{3}[A-Z]\d[A-Z]$)|(^[A-Z]\d{4}[A-Z]{2}$)|(^\d[A-Z]{3}\d{3}$)|(^\d[A-Z]{2}\d[A-Z]\d{2}$)|(^\d[A-Z]{2}\d{2}[A-Z]\d$)|(^\d[A-Z]{2}\d{3}[A-Z]$)|(^\d[A-Z]\d[A-Z]{2}\d{2}$)|(^\d[A-Z]\d[A-Z]\d[A-Z]\d$)|(^\d[A-Z]\d[A-Z]\d{2}[A-Z]$)|(^\d[A-Z]\d{2}[A-Z]{2}\d$)|(^\d[A-Z]\d{2}[A-Z]\d[A-Z]$)|(^\d[A-Z]\d{3}[A-Z]{2}$)|(^\d{2}[A-Z]{3}\d{2}$)|(^\d{2}[A-Z]{2}\d[A-Z]\d$)|(^\d{2}[A-Z]{2}\d{2}[A-Z]$)|(^\d{2}[A-Z]\d[A-Z]{2}\d$)|(^\d{2}[A-Z]\d[A-Z]\d[A-Z]$)|(^\d{2}[A-Z]\d{2}[A-Z]{2}$)|(^\d{3}[A-Z]{3}\d$)|(^\d{3}[A-Z]{2}\d[A-Z]$)|(^\d{3}[A-Z]\d[A-Z]{2}$)|(^\d{4}[A-Z]{3}$)");
    var samples = new string[]{ "ABC1234", "1A2B3C4", "ABCD123", "aBC1234", "ABC12345" };
    foreach(var sample in samples)
        Console.WriteLine(sample + " is " + (rgx.IsMatch(sample) ? "a match" : "not a match"));

Output: 输出:

ABC1234 is a match ABC1234是一场比赛
1A2B3C4 is a match 1A2B3C4是一个匹配项
ABCD123 is not a match ABCD123不匹配
aBC1234 is not a match aBC1234不匹配
ABC12345 is not a match ABC12345不是一个匹配项

  • (...) represents a group (...)代表一个团体
  • ^ represents the beginning of a string ^代表字符串的开头
  • [AZ] represents a capital letter [AZ]代表大写字母
  • [AZ]{n} represents n capital letters [AZ] {n}代表n个大写字母
  • \\d represents a digit \\ d代表一个数字
  • $ represents the end of a string $代表字符串的结尾
  • | | is used to indicate that whatever is to the right or left is acceptable 用来表示右边或左边的任何东西都可以接受

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