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[英]Can you do a select on the results of a stored procedure in T-SQL

select * from (EXEC sp_SomeStoredProc)


You can't do this, however you can do it as an insert. 你不能这样做,但你可以作为插入。 eg 例如

insert mytable
exec myStoredProcedure

Also, never name your stored procedures sp_xxxx. 此外,永远不要命名您的存储过程sp_xxxx。 This is because SQL will always search in the system stored procedure area due to the sp_ before looking in the user stored procedures, leading to a small loss in performance that could add it to be fairly significant on a process that is run frequently. 这是因为在查看用户存储过程之前,SQL将始终在系统存储过程区域中搜索sp_,从而导致性能的轻微损失,这可能会使其在经常运行的进程上相当重要。

It's possible, but certainly not the right way to go: 这是可能的,但肯定不是正确的方法:

USE test
CREATE procedure dbo.select1 AS
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver @server='OQtest', @datasrc='localhost', @provider='SQLNCLI', @srvproduct=''
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(OQtest, 'test.dbo.select1')

You may also need to adjust security settings on the server for this to work. 您可能还需要调整服务器上的安全设置才能使其正常工作。

What if the stored proc returns no rows? 如果存储的proc没有返回任何行怎么办? Multiple result sets? 多个结果集? Changes? 变化? The potential usages of a stored proc are many and varied. 存储过程的潜在用法是多种多样的。

When you have SELECT * FROM TableOrView , there is a direct binding and easily checked syntax and structure. 当你有SELECT * FROM TableOrView ,有一个直接绑定和易于检查的语法和结构。

More correctly, in the relational sense, a stored proc is not a relation/table so you can't select from it. 更准确地说,在关系意义上,存储过程不是关系/表,因此您无法从中进行选择。

User defined functions achieve what you want but allow the code to conform to some relation/table concept. 用户定义的函数可以实现您想要的功能,但允许代码符合某些关系/表概念。

You can't do it, but you could consider a function in sqlserver2005. 你不能这样做,但你可以考虑sqlserver2005中的一个函数。 Here's an example function that creates a table from a comma separated list 这是一个从逗号分隔列表创建表的示例函数

Create Function [dbo].[CsvToInt] ( @Array varchar(1000)) 
returns @IntTable table 
    (IntValue int)

    declare @separator char(1)
    set @separator = ','

    declare @separator_position int 
    declare @array_value varchar(1000) 

    set @array = @array + ','

    while patindex('%,%' , @array) <> 0 

      select @separator_position =  patindex('%,%' , @array)
      select @array_value = left(@array, @separator_position - 1)

        Insert @IntTable
        Values (Cast(@array_value as int))

      select @array = stuff(@array, 1, @separator_position, '')


And then simple select from the function... 然后从功能中简单选择......

Select * FROM dbo.CsvToInt('1,2,3,5')

And you'll get a table value. 你会得到一个表值。

You can use the approach described by ck but this is not really recommended. 你可以使用ck描述的方法,但这并不是真的推荐。 You can check the INSERT-EXEC section of a great post How to Share Data Between Stored Procedures by Erland Sommarskog for more details. 您可以查看Erland Sommarskog 如何在存储过程之间共享数据的文章的INSERT-EXEC部分获取更多详细信息。

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