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如何在sdk最低为9的android项目中使用google exo player?

[英]How to use google exo player in android project that has a minimum sdk of 9?

I want to use google exoplayer in my project.But my project's minimum sdk is 9 . 我想在我的项目中使用google exoplayer 。但是我项目的minimum sdk is 9 how can I use the google exoplayer library in my project? 如何在我的项目中使用google exoplayer库? Thanks! 谢谢!

Unfortunately you can't. 不幸的是你不能。

ExoPlayer is based on the Android Codec APIs. ExoPlayer基于Android编解码器API。 These are available starting with API 16. If you need CENC DRM (content protection) this is supported starting with API 19. 从API 16开始可用。如果需要CENC DRM(内容保护),则从API 19开始支持。

Please also refer to the ExoPlayer Developer Guide. 另请参阅《 ExoPlayer开发人员指南》。 Specifically the page ' Supported Devices ' which gives you more details. 特别是“ 支持的设备 ”页面,它为您提供了更多详细信息。

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