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[英]How to set Content-Type of Supertest attachment

I came across a problem in my app that the Content-Type associated with an uploaded file was wrong if the file was sent from Microsoft Windows, giving application/octet-stream , while it was okay if sent from Mac, giving text/csv . 我在应用程序中遇到一个问题:如果文件是从Microsoft Windows发送的,给出了application/octet-stream ,则与上载的文件相关联的Content-Type是错误的;而如果是从Mac发送的给出了text/csv的文件,这是可以的。 After fixing my code to not rely on the mime type from the request, I would like to simulate that condition in one of my tests. 修复代码以使其不依赖请求中的mime类型后,我想在我的测试之一中模拟这种情况。

Given the following request, that includes JSON-stringified form fields and a file attachment, using supertest : 给定以下请求,其中包括使用supertest包括JSON字符串化的表单字段和文件附件:

    .field('someFormData', JSON.stringify(formData))
    .attach('someFile', 'someFile.csv')

How can I change the Content-Type for the attached file? 如何更改附件的内容类型 Looking at Edge's Network tab, I would like to see the following for the request above: 查看“边缘”的“网络”选项卡,对于以上请求,我希望看到以下内容:

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="someFormData"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="someFile"; filename="someFile.csv"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream


(The JSON string has been omitted with dots) (JSON字符串已被点省略)

(Instead of showing text/csv , I want to simulate the wrong content type.) (而不是显示text/csv ,我想模拟错误的内容类型。)

Using attach's contentType option works for me: 使用attach的contentType选项对我有效:

    .set('Content-type', 'multipart/form-data')
    .field('passphrase', '1234')
      { contentType: 'application/x-pkcs12' },

Or if you're sending a buffer as the file: 或者,如果您要发送缓冲区作为文件:

    .set('Content-type', 'multipart/form-data')
    .field('passphrase', '1234')
      { contentType: 'application/x-pkcs12', filename: 'correct.pfx' },

Use .set() to set whatever Content-Type you want. 使用.set()设置所需的任何内容类型。 Or any kind of header. 或任何类型的标题。

    .field('someFormData', JSON.stringify(formData))
    .set('Content-Type',  'application/octet-stream')
    .attach('someFile', 'someFile.csv')

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