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输入中的Angular 4 + Material Design芯片

[英]Angular 4 + Material Design chips in input

I have list of removable chips: 我有可移动芯片的列表:

  <md-chip *ngFor="let chip of chips; let i = index"  
    <i class="fa fa-close" (click)="remove(i)"></i>

But I need to create them in input or in text area like in this example: 但是我需要在输入或文本区域中创建它们,如以下示例所示:

https://material.angularjs.org/latest/demo/chips https://material.angularjs.org/latest/demo/chips

How can I do that? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

Material2's md-chip is not as mature as Material1. Material2的md-chip不如Material1成熟。 Material2 team is working on adding a lot of those input field features, you can check their latest example in github . Material2团队正在努力添加许多输入字段功能,您可以在github中查看其最新示例 Probably they will add them with beta.9 release. 可能他们会在beta.9版本中添加它们。

So, for now md-chip with md-input needs to manually constructed. 因此,目前需要手动构建带有md-input md-chip

Here's the example that I could get closest to the Material1's example. 这是我可以最接近Material1的示例的示例。

html: 的HTML:

<md-input-container floatPlaceholder="never">
  <md-chip-list mdPrefix>
    <md-chip *ngFor="let chip of chips; let i = index"
      <i class="fa fa-close" (click)="remove(i)"></i>
  <input mdInput [mdDatepicker]="picker" 
         placeholder="Enter fruit"

ts: ts:

chipValue: string;

  chips = [

  this.chips.splice(item, 1);

  this.chipValue = "";

  if(value.length < 1){
    if(this.chips.length > 0){

Plunker demo 柱塞演示

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