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* ng如果Angular4问题

[英]*ngIf Angular4 issue

I am trying to work on a block of code where I can use *ngif else in introduced recently, I am hoping to see "system has no alerts" when alerts is None. 我正在尝试处理代码块,可以在最近介绍的代码中使用* ngif else,我希望当警报为None时看到“系统没有警报”。 Can some please explain to me what I am doing wrong. 可以给我解释一下我在做什么错。 Any comment would be really helpful. 任何评论将非常有帮助。

<ul class="al-msg-center clearfix">
<li class="dropdown">
    <a href class="dropdown-toggle" id="msg-dd1" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false">
        <i (click)="refreshAlerts()" class="fa fa-bell-o"></i>
        <span *ngIf="alerts.length">{{alerts.length}} </span>

        <div class="notification-ring"></div>

    <div class="top-dropdown-menu dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="msg-dd1">
        <i class="dropdown-arr"></i>
        <div class="msg-list">
            <div *ngIf="alerts; else noAlerts">
                <a *ngFor="let msg of alerts" href class="clearfix">
                    <div class="msg-area">
                        <div>{{ msg.message }}</div>
                        <span>{{ msg.level }}</span>
            <ng-template #noAlerts>
                <div class="msg-area">
                    <div>"The system has no alerts"</div>

With current code as soon as alerts exists, it will try to display content without looking at how much element alerts array has. 对于具有alerts现有代码,它将在不查看alerts数组有多少元素的情况下尝试显示内容。

You should check alerts.length to get accurate result. 您应该检查alerts.length以获得准确的结果。

*ngIf="alerts?.length; else noAlerts"

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