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[英]Match substring of a substring

Input: 输入:

Animal {cow.<span>moo</span>} <span>noises</span>

Output: 输出:

Animal {cow.moo} <span>noises</span>

How could I match only the <span> inside the braces for replacement? 我怎么能只匹配支架内的<span>进行更换? I have got as far as matching everything between the braces with 我已经在括号之间匹配了所有内容


Any help would be greatly appreciated. 任何帮助将不胜感激。

You may use a preg_replace_callback to match the strings in between {...} with a basic regex like '~{[^}]+}~' and then replace what you need inside the callback function: 你可以使用preg_replace_callback来匹配{...}之间的字符串和'~{[^}]+}~'类的基本正则表达式,然后在回调函数中替换你需要的内容:

$s = 'Animal {cow.<span>moo</span>} <span>noises</span>';
echo preg_replace_callback('~{[^}]+}~', function($m) {
    return str_replace(["<span>", "</span>"], "", $m[0]);
}, $s);
// => Animal {cow.moo} <span>noises</span>

See the PHP demo . 请参阅PHP演示

You may use a preg_replace inside the callback function if you need to replace with a regex. 如果需要用正则表达式替换,可以在回调函数中使用preg_replace

If you want to capture the moo inside the span for substitution you can use this regexp: 如果要捕获span内的moo以进行替换,可以使用此正则表达式:


Here is an example: https://regex101.com/r/ryP3Y6/1 以下是一个示例: https//regex101.com/r/ryP3Y6/1

If you want to delete the <span> tags you can use: 如果要删除<span>标记,可以使用:


And use \\1\\2\\3 for substitution: 并使用\\1\\2\\3替换:

Check: https://regex101.com/r/qECuai/1 检查: https//regex101.com/r/qECuai/1

With a \\G based pattern: 使用基于\\G的模式:

$str = preg_replace('~(?:\G(?!\A)|{)[^}]*?\K</?span>~', '', $str);

This pattern starts with two possible branches: 此模式从两个可能的分支开始:

  • the second branch is the one that matches first, starts with a { to ensure you are inside curly brackets. 第二个分支是首先匹配的分支,以{开头{以确保您在大括号内。 Note that you can add (?=[^}]*}) after it to ensure there's a closing bracket. 请注意,您可以在其后面添加(?=[^}]*})以确保有一个结束括号。
  • the first branch starts with \\G that is the position after the last match. 第一个分支以\\G开头,即最后一个匹配后的位置。

[^}]*? forbids to go out of the curly bracket enclosed substring. 禁止走出大括号括起来的子串。

This design ensures that all series of matches starting from a { are contiguous and that the <span> tags found are between curly brackets. 此设计确保从{开始的所有系列匹配都是连续的,并且找到的<span>标记位于大括号之间。

For small strings and if you are sure curly brackets are balanced and not nested, you can also use a more simple pattern: 对于小字符串,如果您确定大括号是平衡的而不是嵌套的,您还可以使用更简单的模式:

$str = preg_replace('~</?span>(?=[^{}]*})~', '', $str);

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