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[英]Reading components inside an Angular4 template / directive

I am working on a grid component which is composed of mainly three things, some GridComponent component which takes in an array data source, a RowItem directive which is only responsible of creating a context for a row, and a ColumnComponent which is the definition of the column's content. 我正在研究一个网格组件,该组件主要由三部分组成:一些GridComponent组件需要一个数组数据源,一个RowItem指令仅负责为行创建上下文,而ColumnComponent则是该组件的定义。列的内容。

In a nutshell, the usage of the component looks like this: 简而言之,组件的用法如下所示:

<my-grid [data-source]="dataSource">
    <ng-container *rowItem="let item">
        <my-column column-header="Person">

        <my-column column-header="Age">

        <my-column column-header="Car">

Now, my columns are defined like this : 现在,我的列定义如下:

<ng-container *ngIf="someConditionHere">

which will collect the content specified by the developer and pass onto the grid, which in turn will take care of rendering the complete control, as seen in the template below. 它将收集开发人员指定的内容并传递到网格,网格将负责呈现完整的控件,如下面的模板所示。

      <th *ngFor="let col of columns">
    <tr class="core-grid-row" *ngFor="let row of dataSource">
      <ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="rowItem" [ngOutletContext]="{$implicit: row}"></ng-template>

The problem I have now is related to rendering the column names. 我现在遇到的问题与呈现列名有关。 I am trying to collect the names using the ContentChildren below 我正在尝试使用下面的ContentChildren收集名称

public columns: QueryList<ColumnComponent>;

However since there is the *ngFor directive in the grid, my ContentChildren query is gathering the columns multiplied by the number of rows, instead of only the first row. 但是,由于网格中有* ngFor指令,所以我的ContentChildren查询正在收集列乘以行数,而不是仅是第一行。 Is there someway I can gather the column names without the side effects of the *ngFor in a clean and neat manner? 有什么办法可以干净整洁地收集没有* ngFor副作用的列名吗?

Thanks for your time! 谢谢你的时间!

What you could do is to Tag the columns in the first row 您可以做的是标记第一行中的列

 <tr class="core-grid-row" *ngFor="let row of dataSource; let i = index">
      <ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="rowItem" [ngOutletContext]="{$implicit: row, 'i: i}"></ng-template>

(I'm not quite sure about the codestyle for passing the index throuh with ngOutletContext,... maybe it is a little bit diffrent) (我不太确定通过ngOutletContext传递索引的代码样式,...可能有点不同)

and then you could tag the first columns with the use of the index: 然后您可以使用索引标记第一列:

   <ng-container *ngIf="i == 0 && someConditionHere" #headerColumn>
   <ng-container *ngIf="i > 0 && someConditionHere">

then you should be able to grab just the first line of columns by: 那么您应该能够通过以下方式仅获取第一行:

public columns: QueryList<ColumnComponent>;

I managed to fix this in a way by wrapping the container in a my-row component rather than an ng-container . 我设法通过将容器包装在my-row组件而不是ng-container来解决此问题。 Like this I could access the components directly. 这样,我可以直接访问组件。 However still used the directive for creating a context variable. 但是仍然使用该指令创建上下文变量。

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