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[英]Extract unique values from an SQL database to excel using python

I am quite new to python and trying to work on a project that requires me to extract data from an SQL(.db) database and output this data into an excel file. 我是python新手,正在尝试一个需要我从SQL(.db)数据库提取数据并将其输出到excel文件的项目。

My database File has a lot of data but the structure I have managed to print is as follows 我的数据库文件有很多数据,但是我设法打印的结构如下

Run ID | Environment

1           52

2           52

3           52

4           52

5           72

6           72

7           72

8           72

now I need to be able to output these values to an excel spreadsheet like this, 现在,我需要能够将这些值输出到这样的excel电子表格中,

52|72|92|112|132 52 | 72 | 92 | 112 | 132

Below is my current code and it allows me to output 下面是我当前的代码,它允许我输出

52|52|52|52|72|72|72|72 52 | 52 | 52 | 52 | 72 | 72 | 72 | 72

a is the c.fetchall() from the module access database Any help is appreciated a是来自模块访问数据库的c.fetchall()可以提供任何帮助

x = 2
DBcommand = "SELECT * FROM " + a[x][0]
y = c.fetchall()    

x = y

workbook = xls.Workbook('Environment.xlsx')
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Environment Direction')

rowNum = 0 
colNum = 1

workbook = xls.Workbook('Environment.xlsx')
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Environment Direction')

for item in y:
    while colNum == colNum + 1 :
    worksheet.write(rowNum, colNum, item[14])
    colNum += 1 


you need to change your query as follows: 您需要按以下方式更改查询:

DBcommand = "SELECT distinct [Environment] FROM " + a[x][0] DBcommand =“从” + a [x] [0]中选择不同的[环境]

This will return unique values which is what you are looking for 这将返回您正在寻找的唯一值

Do you want to remove duplicates from your database column and store it in a excel? 是否要从数据库列中删除重复项并将其存储在Excel中? If it so, then the below code may help you. 如果是这样,那么下面的代码可能会对您有所帮助。

import pandas as pd
import sqlite3

# get DB connection
con = sqlite3.connect("your DB connection")

# Read sqlite query results into a pandas DataFrame
df = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * from yourDB", con)

# verify that result of SQL query is stored in the dataframe


# if you want to remove duplicate based on particular column then do this
# else do this

# export to Excel file

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