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在Angular2 +中,我该如何替换 <tr> 与我自己的组件,而不会干扰dom结构/ css

[英]In Angular2+, how can I replace a <tr> with my own component without interfering with the dom structure/css

Consider the following table snippet with a rows of people and their result on a test: 考虑下面的表格片段,其中包含一行人及其在测试中的结果:

  <td>John Doe</td>
  <td>Jane Dober</td>

In the end of the table above, I want to add a final <tr> , which will be my custom component, which will be reused elsewhere. 在上表的最后,我想添加一个最终的<tr> ,这将是我的自定义组件,并将在其他地方重用。

The problem is that my custom component inserts a dom element in a table which is not a <tr> which breaks the DOM, styling etc. 问题是我的自定义组件将dom元素插入到不是<tr>的表中,该元素会破坏DOM,样式等。

How can I make Angular NOT insert its own host element and just display the <tr> from my custom component? 如何使Angular不插入自己的宿主元素,而仅显示自定义组件中的<tr>

I don't want to use attribute selectors since it seems like a hack, and is against Angulars style guide document. 我不想使用属性选择器,因为它看起来像是一种hack,并且违反了Angulars风格指南文档。

Give the component the table-row display property: 为组件提供table-row显示属性:

:host { display: table-row; }

That will make it behave for all practical purposes like <tr> . 这将使它在所有实际用途(例如<tr> To be precise, it is the display: table-row property defined in the user agent style sheet that makes <tr> function as a table row. 确切地说,正是用户代理样式表中定义的display: table-row属性使<tr>用作表行。

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