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[英]Python - Counter merges elements from list together

I have a list full of Windows API calls: 我有一个完整的Windows API调用列表:

 listOfSequences = 
     'ReleaseDC', ...... and so on .....]

Since some of them occurs several times, I wanted to collected their number of occurences. 由于其中一些事件发生多次,因此我想收集它们的发生次数。 Thus, I used collections.Counter. 因此,我使用了collections.Counter。 But it concatenates some APIs together: 但这将一些API连接在一起:

lCountedAPIs = Counter(listOfSequences)

when I print the lCountedAPIs I get the folowing: 当我打印lCountedAPI时 ,得到以下提示:

Counter({'IsRectEmptyLocalAlloc': 2,
         'DdePostAdvise': 3,
         'DispatchMessageWGetModuleFileNameA': 2,
         'FindResourceExW': 50318,
         'ReleaseDCGetModuleFileNameW': 7,
         'DefWindowProcAGetThreadLocale': 1,
         'CoGetCallContext': 40,
         'CoGetTreatAsClassGetCommandLineA': 1,
         'GetForegroundWindowGetSystemDirectoryW': 1,
         'GetModuleHandleWGetSystemTimeAsFileTime': 2,
         'WaitForSingleObjectExIsChild': 1,
         'LoadIconAGetWindowsDirectoryW': 2,
         'GlobalFreeLocalAlloc': 10,
         'GetMapModeCreateSemaphoreW': 1,
         'HeapLock': 11494,                  <---------- A
         'CharNextAGetCurrentProcessId': 11, <---------- B
         'RemovePropWGetStartupInfoA': 1,
         'GetTickCountGetVersionExW': 55,

So for ex.: HeapLock (see A) was not merged with another API But CharNextA was concatenated with GetCurrentProcessId (see B) 因此,例如: HeapLock (参见A)未与其他API合并,但CharNextAGetCurrentProcessId串联(参见B)

Can somebody tell me why this happens and how to fix that ? 有人可以告诉我为什么会这样以及如何解决吗?

Thanks in advcance & best regards :) 在此先感谢&最好的问候:)

Check your list definition. 检查您的列表定义。 Python concatenates adjacent string literals, so you must have missed a comma somewhere in the the middle: Python将相邻的字符串文字串联在一起,因此您一定在中间的某个地方错过了逗号:

listOfSequences = [
    #          ^ comma missing here

This has bitten me several times. 这伤了我好几次。

Nothing in Counter does that. Counter没有做任何事情。 You must necessarily have 11 occurrences of 'CharNextAGetCurrentProcessId' in listOfSequences . 您必须在listOfSequences出现11次'CharNextAGetCurrentProcessId' You can check this by running 'CharNextAGetCurrentProcessId' in listOfSequences . 您可以通过运行'CharNextAGetCurrentProcessId' in listOfSequences

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