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[英]Prevent JavaScript closure from inheriting scope

I am looking for a fancy way to prevent a closure from inheriting surrounding scrope. 我正在寻找一种奇特的方法来防止关闭继承周围的scrope。 For example: 例如:

let foo = function(t){

  let x = 'y';

  t.bar = function(){

    console.log(x); // => 'y'



there are only two ways I know of preventing sharing scope: 我知道防止共享范围的方法只有两种

(1) Use shadow variables: (1)使用阴影变量:

let foo = function(t){

  let x = 'y';

  t.bar = function(x){

    console.log(x); // => '?'



(2) Put the function body somewhere else: (2)将函数体放在其他地方:

  let foo = function(t){

      let x = 'y';

      t.bar = createBar();


My question is - does anyone know of a 3rd way to prevent closures from inheriting scope in JS? 我的问题是 - 有没有人知道第三种方法可以防止在JS中继承范围? Something fancy is fine. 一些奇特的东西很好。

The only thing that I think could possibly work is vm.runInThisContext() in Node.js. 我认为唯一可行的是Node.js中的vm.runInThisContext()

Let's use our imaginations for a second, and imagine JS had a private keyword, which meant the variable was private only to that function's scope, like this: 让我们使用我们的想象力一秒钟,并想象JS有一个私有关键字,这意味着该变量仅对该函数的范围是私有的,如下所示:

  let foo = function(t){

      private let x = 'y';  // "private" means inaccessible to enclosed functions

      t.bar = function(){

        console.log(x); // => undefined



and IIFE won't work: 和IIFE不会工作:

let foo = function(t){

    (function() {
    let x = 'y';

   console.log(x); // undefined (or error will be thrown)
   // I want x defined here

  t.bar = function(){
    // but I do not want x defined here

  return t;

You can use block scope 您可以使用块范围

 let foo = function(t) { { // `x` is only defined as `"y"` here let x = "y"; } { t.bar = function(x) { console.log(x); // `undefined` or `x` passed as parameter }; } }; const o = {}; foo(o); o.bar(); 

This technique works: 这项技术有效:

Create helper function to run a function in an isolated scope 创建辅助函数以在隔离范围内运行函数

 const foo = 3;

 it.cb(isolated(h => {
    console.log(foo);  // this will throw "ReferenceError: foo is not defined"

you might also have some luck with the JavaScript with operator 您还可能有一些运气使用JavaScript with运营商

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