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[英]Disabling React components with radio buttons using Material-UI

I'm quite new to ReactJS and Material-UI. 我对ReactJS和Material-UI很陌生。 Only working for roughly 3 weeks with those. 与这些只工作了大约3个星期。 The problem I'm struggling with right now is: -I have 2 radio buttons in a group and 2 components (text field and select field); 我现在正在努力解决的问题是:-我在一个组中有2个单选按钮和2个组件(文本字段和选择字段); -I want to disable the textField when the first radio button is checked while the selectField is still active; -我想在selectField仍处于活动状态时选中第一个单选按钮时禁用textField; -When the 2nd radio button is checked the textField should be enabled and the selectField should be enabled; -当选中第二个单选按钮时,应启用textField并应启用selectField;

Thank you in advance for any help you can provide! 预先感谢您提供的任何帮助! :) I have the following: :)我有以下内容:

The radio buttons component 单选按钮组件

 import React, {Component} from 'react'; import MuiThemeProvider from 'material-ui/styles/MuiThemeProvider'; import {RadioButton, RadioButtonGroup} from 'material-ui/RadioButton'; const styles = { block: { maxWidth: 30, }, radioButton: { marginBottom: 16, maxWidth: 10, }, }; export let disable1=false; export let disable2=false; class RadioBtn extends Component { render() { function change() { if (RadioButtonGroup.valueSelected === "0") { disable2 = true; disable1 = false; return disable1; } else if (RadioButtonGroup.valueSelected === "1") { disable1 = true; disable2 = false; return disable2; } } return ( <MuiThemeProvider> <div> <RadioButtonGroup name="search" defaultSelected="0" onChange={change()} > <RadioButton value="0" style={styles.radioButton} name="users" className="users" /> <RadioButton value="1" style={styles.radioButton} name="team" className="team" /> </RadioButtonGroup> </div> </MuiThemeProvider> ) } } export default RadioBtn; 

The selectField component selectField组件

 import React, {Component} from 'react'; import SelectField from 'material-ui/SelectField'; import MenuItem from 'material-ui/MenuItem'; import MuiThemeProvider from 'material-ui/styles/MuiThemeProvider'; import getMuiTheme from 'material-ui/styles/getMuiTheme'; import './Team.css'; import {disable2} from '../radioButton/RadioBtn'; const muiTheme3 = getMuiTheme({ palette: { color: 'fff', primary1Color: '#005FA8', accent1Color: '#fff', accent3Color: '#005FA8', textColor: '#000', alternateTextColor: '#005FA8', hintColor: '#ff0000', labelColor: '#000', floatingLabelText: '#000', }, tableHeaderColumn: { textColor: '#000', height: 56, spacing: 24, }, textField: { color: '#000', }, menu: { backgroundColor: '#005FA8', containerBackgroundColor: '#005FA8', borderColor: '#005FA8', }, table: { backgroundColor: '#005FA8', borderColor: '#005FA6', }, icon: { color: '#000', }, }); const styles = { customWidth: { width: 500, }, }; class Team extends Component { state = { value: 1, }; handleChange = (event, index, value) => this.setState({value}); render() { return ( <MuiThemeProvider muiTheme={muiTheme3}> <div id="div-color"> <SelectField // floatingLabelText="Team" floatingLabelStyle={{color: '#000', fontSize: 20}} menuItemStyle={{backgroundColor: '#005FA8'}} listStyle={{backgroundColor: '#005FA8', containerBackgroundColor: '#005FA8'}} underlineStyle={{borderColor: '#000'}} maxHeight={300} value={this.state.value} onChange={this.handleChange} style={styles} disabled={disable2} > <MenuItem value={1} selected disabled primaryText="Select a team" /> <MenuItem value={2} primaryText="Team1" /> <MenuItem value={3} primaryText="Team2" /> <MenuItem value={4} primaryText="Team3" /> <MenuItem value={5} primaryText="Team4" /> <MenuItem value={6} primaryText="Team5" /> <MenuItem value={7} primaryText="Team6" /> <MenuItem value={8} primaryText="Team7" /> <MenuItem value={9} primaryText="Team8" /> <MenuItem value={10} primaryText="Team9" /> <MenuItem value={11} primaryText="Team10" /> <MenuItem value={12} primaryText="Team11" /> <MenuItem value={13} primaryText="Team12" /> <MenuItem value={14} primaryText="Team13" /> <MenuItem value={15} primaryText="Team14" /> <MenuItem value={16} primaryText="Team15" /> </SelectField> </div> </MuiThemeProvider> ); } } export default Team; 

The textField component textField组件

 import React, {Component} from 'react'; import MenuItem from 'material-ui/MenuItem'; import MuiThemeProvider from 'material-ui/styles/MuiThemeProvider'; import getMuiTheme from 'material-ui/styles/getMuiTheme'; import TextField from 'material-ui/TextField'; import test from '../selectComponent/SelectComponent'; import {disable1} from '../radioButton/RadioBtn'; // let disable1 = false; // disable1 = test; const styles = { errorStyle: { borderColor: 'red', color: 'red', }, underlineStyle: { borderColor: "#000", }, underlineFocusStyle: { borderColor: "#005FA8", }, floatingLabelStyle: { color: '#000', }, floatingLabelFocusStyle: { color: '#000', }, hintStyle: { color: '#000', } }; class Users extends Component { render (){ return ( <MuiThemeProvider> <div> <TextField hintText="Search for a user" underlineFocusStyle={styles.underlineFocusStyle} underlineStyle={styles.underlineStyle} errorStyle={styles.errorStyle} hintStyle={styles.hintStyle} disabled={disable1} /> </div> </MuiThemeProvider> ) }} export default Users; 

I haven't used Material UI yet but I think this can be fixed just with getting the React components talking with each other correctly. 我还没有使用Material UI,但是我认为这可以通过使React组件正确相互通信来解决。 I'm making the assumption that your radio buttons group, textField, and selectField are siblings under a single component (I'll go with the name “Main” for example's sake). 我假设您的单选按钮组,textField和selectField是单个组件下的兄弟姐妹(例如,我将使用名称“ Main”)。

It's obviously common in React to have the values in one component affect the rendering of another non-child component. 在React中,使一个组件中的值影响另一个非子组件的呈现显然很常见。 So, we'll have to make the components talk to each other. 因此,我们必须使这些组件相互通信。 However, they can't do that directly so everything is going to have to move to the Main component first and then back down the family tree to properly render your pieces. 但是,他们不能直接这样做,因此一切都必须先移至Main组件,然后再向下移入族谱以正确渲染您的作品。 Here is the flow I would do: 这是我要执行的流程:

Radio Buttons Value Changed -> Send value to Main (via prop) -> When Main updates, conditionally render different components based on new values 单选按钮值已更改->将值发送到Main(通过prop)-> Main更新时,将根据新值有条件地渲染不同的组件

So, the first thing we'd need to do is to store whether or not the field should be enabled. 因此,我们要做的第一件事是存储是否应启用该字段。 In Main we'll start off by initializing a Boolean variable: 在Main中,我们将初始化一个布尔变量:

    this.state = {
        textFieldDisabled: false

Additionally, we need a method to modify that value, which we'll end up passing as a prop to the radio button component: 此外,我们需要一种方法来修改该值,最终将其作为道具传递给单选按钮组件:

    this.setState ({
        textFieldDisabled: val

While we're here we'll add the following to the constructor method to ensure that setFieldDisabled() is bound to the Main componenet: 在这里,我们将以下内容添加到构造方法中,以确保setFieldDisabled()绑定到Main componenet:

this.setFieldDisabled= this.setFieldDisabled.bind(this);

When you render the radio buttons you'll want to pass setFieldDisabled in as a prop so you'll have access to it and will be able to modify Main's state via its child: 渲染单选按钮时,您需要将setFieldDisabled作为道具传递,以便您可以访问它,并能够通过其子项修改Main的状态:

<RadioBtn setFieldDisabled={this.setFieldDisabled} />

Moving on to your RadioBtn component, probably in your change() method you can call the prop it recieved, which target's Main's method. 继续您的RadioBtn组件,可能在您的change()方法中,您可以调用它接收到的prop,即目标的Main方法。 Here you'll write your logic to determine whether or not the text field should be shown, then send that value back to Main using: 在这里,您将编写逻辑以确定是否应显示文本字段,然后使用以下命令将该值发送回Main:


Now we have a variable that all sub-components of Main can easily access. 现在我们有了一个变量,Main的所有子组件都可以轻松访问。 The last thing we'll have to do is pass that value from Main to the textField component: 我们要做的最后一件事是将该值从Main传递到textField组件:

<textField disabled={this.state.textFieldDisabled} />

And inside that component you'd use {this.props.disabled} for your value of disabled in the TextField. 在该组件内部,您将使用{this.props.disabled}作为TextField中的disabled值。 You could do the same for the selectField component as well and modify the values you're passing to Main, though from the sounds of it I think only the textField component is being turned on and off here. 您也可以对selectField组件执行相同的操作,并修改要传递给Main的值,尽管从它的声音来看,我认为此处仅打开和关闭了textField组件。 I hope that helps! 希望对您有所帮助!

You can also look in to conditional rendering if you want to render different components altogether. 如果您想一起渲染不同的组件,也可以查看条件渲染

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