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[英]Getting WSOD on all Admin pages

Like the title says, I'm getting the WSOD (white screen of death) when going to any admin page. 就像标题所说的那样,当我进入任何管理页面时,都会得到WSOD(死亡白屏)。 This just started happening when I arrived this Monday, Friday it was working fine. 当我在本周一,周五到达时,这才开始发生。

Here's what I've tried 这是我尝试过的

  1. Checking php settings: 检查php设置:

     memory_limit 5000M 128M max_execution_time 600000000 600000000 output_buffering On 4096 output_handler mb_output_handler no value Connection: 300 - Keep-Alive: 15 default_socket_timeout 60 memcache.default_timeout_ms 1000 1000 mysql.connect_timeout 60 60 
  2. Added error reporting to index.php 向index.php添加了错误报告

     error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', TRUE); ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE); 
  3. Check drupal watchdog and apache logs 检查Drupal看门狗和Apache日志

    No errors 没有错误

  4. Check disk space on web server and database server 检查Web服务器和数据库服务器上的磁盘空间

    Plenty of space 足够的空间

  5. Ran command to find any PHP errors ran命令查找任何PHP错误

     find /data/ -type f -name "*.php" -exec php -l {} \\; | grep -v 'No syntax errors' find /data/ -type f -name "*.inc" -exec php -l {} \\; | grep -v 'No syntax errors' find /data/ -type f -name "*.module" -exec php -l {} \\; | grep -v 'No syntax errors' 

    Errors: None 错误:无

  6. Clear cache table 清除缓存表

     TRUNCATE TABLE cache; (anything that started with cache) 
  7. Restarted web server 重新启动Web服务器
  8. Disabled all themes, only enabled garland theme and set it to default 禁用所有主题,仅启用花环主题并将其设置为默认

     update `system` set status = 0 where type = 'theme' UPDATE system SET status=1 WHERE name = 'garland'; UPDATE variable SET value='s:7:"garland"' WHERE name = 'theme_default'; Truncate cache tables 
  9. Disabled all modules and re-enabled them 1 at a time. 禁用所有模块,然后一次重新启用它们1。 I started with user module, it displayed errors on the screen regarding system module. 我从用户模块开始,它在有关系统模块的屏幕上显示错误。 I enabled system module and then I got WSOD again. 我启用了系统模块,然后又得到了WSOD。

UPDATE: I set the admin_theme variable to garland. 更新:我将admin_theme变量设置为garland。 Then the page work. 然后页面工作。 When I went to admin/build/themes and enabled marvin, I got the WSOD. 当我进入admin/build/themes并启用marvin时,我得到了WSOD。 Even re-disabling marvin and clearing the cache tables, I still get the WSOD. 即使重新禁用marvin并清除缓存表,我仍然得到WSOD。

The issue that was causing it for me was that I had _theme function with no code inside. 对我来说导致它的问题是我有_theme函数,里面没有代码。

function tf_cart_theme()

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