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[英]Swift3 error: Cannot assign value of type '()' to type '[customObject]?'

I have a custom class containing 2 properties as below 我有一个包含2个属性的自定义类,如下所示

class CustomObjectClass: NSObject {

    override init() {

    var customName:String?
    var customDate:Date?

I am try to create group object of custom class by date using dictionary like Date:[CustomObjectClass] 我尝试使用类似Date的字典按日期创建自定义类的组对象:[CustomObjectClass]

While trying to iterate through object and add to the dictionary I get error : Cannot assign value of type () to type [CustomObjectClass]? 尝试遍历对象并将其添加到字典时,出现错误:无法将类型()值分配给[CustomObjectClass]?类型[CustomObjectClass]?

code is below 代码在下面

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

    override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
        // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

    override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

        var tempCustObj = CustomObjectClass()
        var tempCustList = [CustomObjectClass]()

        for obj in customlist{
            dateDict[obj.customDate!] = tempCustList.append(obj)
            //error :  Cannot assign value of type '()' to type '[CustomObjectClass]?'

    var custObj = CustomObjectClass()
    var customlist = [CustomObjectClass]()
    var dateDict = [Date:[CustomObjectClass]]()

can some one suggest a solution for this 有人可以为此提出解决方案吗

Swift 3 迅捷3

tempCustList.append(obj) returns Void ("nothing") so you can't add it to the dictionary tempCustList.append(obj)返回Void(“无”),因此您无法将其添加到字典中

If you want to add obj , first you'd need to check if there's an array or not (create a new one otherwise), append the element to the array and finally set the value of the dictionary. 如果要添加obj ,首先需要检查是否存在一个数组(否则请创建一个新数组),然后将该元素附加到数组中,最后设置字典的值。

for obj in customlist {
    if classesByDate[obj.customDate!] == nil {
        classesByDate[obj.customDate!] = [obj]
    } else {

Swift 4 斯威夫特4

Thanks to the new Dictionary API, you can simply use an initializer: 有了新的Dictionary API,您可以简单地使用初始化程序:

let classesByDate = Dictionary(grouping: customlist) { $0.customDate! }


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