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[英]SpringBoot Configuration with application.yml

I have a little SpringBoot Application, which can execute different functions via OpenLdap. 我有一个小的SpringBoot应用程序,可以通过OpenLdap执行不同的功能。

  • getUser
  • createUser
  • deleteUser
  • etc.

That works fine. 很好 Now i want to create an application.Yml, where i can manage different environments with different credentials. 现在,我想创建一个application.Yml,可以在其中使用不同的凭据管理不同的环境。 I read some tutorials, but i still have some understanding problems. 我读了一些教程,但是我仍然有一些理解上的问题。 Actually my code looks like that: 实际上我的代码如下所示:

UserController: UserController:

protected static String serverURL = "xxxxx:90xx";
protected static String LdapBindDn = "cn=admin, xxxxx";
protected static String LdapPassword = "xxxx";

@RequestMapping(value = "/{userid:.+}",method = RequestMethod.GET,consumes="application/json",produces = "application/json")
public UserData getUser(@PathVariable String userid) {          
    DirContext context = connectToLdap();
    //some operations...
    return user;
... // same for the other functions

My plan is now, that i want to specify the credentials in an extra application.yml instead of at the beginning of the UserController (see above). 我现在的计划是,我想在额外的application.yml中指定凭据,而不是在UserController的开头(请参见上文)。

Then i have created an application.yml in the src/main/resources: 然后我在src / main / resources中创建了一个application.yml:

# Actual environment
  profiles.actives: development
# Dev Profile 
  profiles: dev  
  serverUrl: ldaps://xxxxxx:90xx
  AdminName: xxxx
  AdminPassword: xxxxxx
  BaseDN: xxxxx
# Production Profile  
  profiles: prod     
 serverUrl: ldaps://xxxx2:90xx
 AdminName: xxxxx2
 AdminPassword: xxxxx2
 BaseDN: xxxxxx

Now i need to call this configuration. 现在,我需要调用此配置。 I have read in one tutorial ( http://therealdanvega.com/blog/2017/06/26/spring-boot-configuration-using-yaml ) that i have to create an extra class "ApplicationProperties" for the properties of the .yml file. 我已经阅读了一个教程( http://therealdanvega.com/blog/2017/06/26/spring-boot-configuration-using-yaml ),必须为该类的属性创建一个额外的类“ ApplicationProperties”。 yml文件。

public class ApplicationProperties {

private String serverURL;
private String adminName;
private String adminPassword;
private String baseDN;

// Getter-/Setter-Methods

} }

Now i need to define my variables from the beginning with the values from the .yml, right? 现在,我需要使用.yml中的值从头开始定义变量,对吗? I went back to my UserController and tried something like that: 我回到我的UserController并尝试了类似的方法:

private String serverURL;
private String adminName;
private String adminPassword;
private String baseDN;  

ApplicationProperties appProp;

@RequestMapping(value = "/{userid:.+}",method = RequestMethod.GET,consumes="application/json",produces = "application/json")
public UserData getUser(@PathVariable String userid) {          
    DirContext context = connectToLdap();
    //some operations...
    return user;
... // same for the other functions

private DirContext connectToLdap(){
    .... // Code for the Ldap connection 

But the variable "appProp" is still empty. 但是变量“ appProp”仍然为空。 I know, that here is somewhere a big understanding problem. 我知道,这是一个很大的理解问题。 I don't know how to call these properties from the .yml file. 我不知道如何从.yml文件调用这些属性。

Thanks for every help in advance! 预先感谢您的每一个帮助!

You can get properties from your .yml file by creating a config class: 您可以通过创建配置类从.yml文件中获取属性:


    serverUrl: ldaps://xxxxxx:90xx
    adminName: xxxx
    adminPassword: xxxxxx
    baseDN: xxxxx

ApplicationConfig.java class : ApplicationConfig.java类:

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "datasource")
public class ApplicationConfig {

    private String serverUrl;
    private String adminName;
    private String adminPassword;
    private String baseDN;

    //getters setters


Then you can call your ApplicationConfig class 然后,您可以调用ApplicationConfig

public ApplicationConfig app; 

public UserData getUser(@PathVariable String userid) {          
      DirContext context = connectToLdap();
      //some operations...
      return user;

And I recommend you to create profile based properties as spring boot picks them automatically, like application-{profile}.{properties|yml} You can create application-production.yml file and set your profile by adding @Profile("production") annotation in your class. 并且我建议您创建基于配置文件的属性,因为Spring Boot会自动选择它们,例如application-{profile}.{properties|yml}您可以创建application-production.yml文件并通过添加@Profile("production")设置您的配置文件您班上的注释。

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