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[英]Mysql not updating the avg function of same table different column by trigger

i am trying to update a specific column that is column_2 by taking the average of rows of column_1 values where column_3 = value 我正在尝试通过获取column_1值的行的平均值来更新特定列column_2 ,其中column_3 =

but it gives a error 但它给出了一个错误

My code 我的密码

Error: Can't update table 'moving_average' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger.

delimiter $$

Create TRIGGER takeaverage AFTER insert ON moving_table 
update moving_table b, (select avg(price) avg_ from moving_table ) v
  b.moving_avg = v.avg_price;


You can't do that, as per the documentaion : 根据文档 ,您不能这样做:

A stored function or trigger cannot modify a table that is already being used (for reading or writing) by the statement that invoked the function or trigger. 存储的函数或触发器无法修改调用该函数或触发器的语句已在使用(用于读取或写入)的表。

I would rather write a BEFORE INSERT trigger and update the :New.moving_avg with the average of existing rows and the new price . 我宁愿编写一个BEFORE INSERT触发器,并用现有行和新price的平均值更新:New.moving_avg

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