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[英]React component receiveing props as undefined

I build a project for a school's records system, in which I build the front-end with React. 我为学校的记录系统构建了一个项目,在其中我使用React构建了前端。 On the main component of the admin page, I wanted to have a react-router which will navigate through the admin dialogs. 在管理页面的主要组件上,我希望有一个react-router,它将在管理对话框中导航。 As I tried to implement this, the following problem occurred: when trying to pass parameters to a class through the react route component, the child component receives no props. 当我尝试实现此功能时,发生了以下问题:当尝试通过react route组件将参数传递给类时,子组件没有收到任何支持。

I have the following react component hierarchy: 我有以下反应组件层次结构:

class Test extends React.Component {
   constructor() {

       console.log("in class: " + this.props)

   render() { return <div>test</div>}

class AdminPage extends BasicPage {
    /* Other class functions here... */
    render() {
       let pageBody = "";
           pageBody = (
                       <Route path={"/:schoolName/admin"} component={AdminMenu} exact/>
                       <Route path={"/:schoolName/admin/view/:id"} exact
                          component={() => <Test par1="abc" />} />
       return (
           <Layout title={ this.state.isLoading ?
               TITLE_UNTIL_LOADED :
               PAGE_TITLE + this.state.schoolPrefs.heb_name}
                   subtitle={ this.state.subtitle }
                   notification={ this.state.notification }
                   isLoading={ this.state.isLoading }

When I go to /Random Name/admin/view/someID , it prints to the console in class: undefined . 当我转到/Random Name/admin/view/someID ,它将in class: undefined打印到控制台。

I then wanted to see if the problem is in the passing component or the receiving one. 然后,我想看看问题出在传递组件还是接收组件。 I defined the function otherTest(props) as follows: 我定义了函数otherTest(props)如下:

function otherTest(props) {
   console.log("Function props: " + props);
   return (<Test {...props} />);

And then changed the route component like so: 然后更改路由组件,如下所示:

<Route path={"/:schoolName/admin/view/:id"} exact
  component={otherTest} />

When then I went to /Random Name/admin/view/someID , I saw that the function received the props just fine, but the log within <Test … /> still printed undefined . 然后当我去/Random Name/admin/view/someID ,我看到函数收到的道具就好了,但日志中<Test … />上还印着undefined

I also tried adding <Test param1=”123” /> after the {pageBody} variable in the main render function, but it printed in class: undefined as well. 我还尝试在主渲染函数中的{pageBody}变量之后添加<Test param1=”123” /> ,但该变量也打印in class: undefined中。

Does someone know where the problem might be? 有人知道问题可能在哪里吗?

Thanks. 谢谢。

You must take props parameter from constructor and then pass it to super. 您必须从构造函数中获取props参数,然后将其传递给super。


Do not use this.props in constructor beacuse constructor fire only at the creating class moment. 不要在构造函数中使用this.props,因为构造函数仅在创建类时才触发。 Use this code: 使用此代码:

constructor(props) {


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