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[英]Make asynchronous function with promises in JavaScript

I have a function 我有一个功能

function getImage(url, key) {
  return axios({
    method: 'get',
    responseType: 'stream'
  }).then(response => {
      Key: key,
      Body: response.data,
      ContentType: response.data.headers['content-type'],
      ACL: 'public-read'
    }, (err, data) => {
      return key
  }).catch(err => {
    return '';

which downloades a remote image and uploads it to Amazon S3. 它将下载远程映像并将其上传到Amazon S3。 I want it to return the generated key. 我希望它返回生成的密钥。

I want to use the function like this 我想使用这样的功能

const images = ['http://...', 'http://...', ...].map((url, i) => {
  return {
    url: getImage(url, i)

Since my function getImage() could take a little while for every single URL, I guess I will have to use asynchronous calls so that I'm sure that the function is completely done before moving on to the next element (or am I misunderstanding something?). 由于我的函数getImage()对于每个URL可能要花费一些时间,因此我想我将不得不使用异步调用,以便确保在移至下一个元素之前该函数已完全完成(否则我会误解某些内容) ?)。

I guess I have to use promises, so could a solution be something like this? 我想我必须使用诺言,所以解决方案可以是这样吗?

function getImage(url, key) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    return axios({
      method: 'get',
      responseType: 'stream'
    }).then(response => {
        Key: key,
        Body: response.data,
        ContentType: response.data.headers['content-type'],
        ACL: 'public-read'
      }, (err, data) => {
    }).catch(err => {

and then use it like this: 然后像这样使用它:

const images = ['http://...', 'http://...', ...].map((url, i) => {
  return {
    url: getImage(url, i).then(url => url).catch(err => [])

Edit 编辑

As mentioned in the comments, axios is a promise. 如评论中所述,axios是一个承诺。 Should the code then look like 代码应该看起来像

function getImage(url, key) {
  return axios({
    method: 'get',
    responseType: 'stream'
  }).then(response => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        Key: key,
        Body: response.data,
        ContentType: response.data.headers['content-type'],
        ACL: 'public-read'
      }, (err, data) => {
        if (!err) {
        } else {

Edit 2 编辑2

The use case is that I'm fetching a lot of blog posts from a public API. 用例是,我从公共API获取许多博客文章。 So I am doing something like 所以我正在做类似的事情

const blogPostsOriginal = [
  { title: 'Title', images: ['url1', 'url2'] },
  { title: 'Title', images: ['url1', 'url2'] },
  { title: 'Title', images: ['url1', 'url2'] },

const blogPostsFormatted = blogPostsOriginal.map(blogPost => {
  return {
    title: blogPost.title,
    images: blogPost.images.map(url => {
      // upload image to S3
      return getImage(url);

So how would I structure the formatting of the array of blog posts? 那么我将如何构建博客文章数组的格式? The problem is that if an error happened, I don't want to include the image in the array of images. 问题是,如果发生错误,我不想在图像数组中包含该图像。 I am not sure how to check this with promises. 我不确定如何用承诺来检查这一点。

Using ECMAScript 2017 async / await syntax, you can quite easily accomplish this. 使用ECMAScript 2017 async / await语法,您可以轻松完成此操作。 Modifying the original form of your script, which you claim is working, it would look like the following: 修改您声称正在工作的脚本的原始形式,如下所示:

 async function getImage(url, key) { try { const response = await axios({ method: 'get', url, responseType: 'stream' }) await s3.upload({ Key: key, Body: response.data, ContentType: response.data.headers['content-type'], ACL: 'public-read' }).promise() } catch (error) { // return error return key // since we don't have axios and s3 in here } return key } const blogPostsOriginal = [ { title: 'Title', images: ['url1', 'url2'] }, { title: 'Title', images: ['url1', 'url2'] }, { title: 'Title', images: ['url1', 'url2'] }, ]; Promise.all(blogPostsOriginal.map(async ({ title, images }) => { return { title, images: (await Promise.all(images.map(async (url) => { // get your key here somehow const key = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2, 12).padStart(10, 0) // upload image to S3 return getImage(url, key) }))) // after awaiting array of results, filter out errors .filter(result => !(result instanceof Error)) } })).then(blogPostsFormatted => { // use blogPostsFormatted here console.log(blogPostsFormatted) }) 

To explain the bit about s3.upload(...).promise() , I got that from the documentation here and here . 为了解释有关s3.upload(...).promise() ,我从此处此处的文档中得到了这一点

References 参考文献

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