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[英]Displaying user inputs with powershell

say I have an array 说我有一个数组

$something = @(

how can I display this to the user as 我如何将其显示给用户

1. first
2. second
Selection : 

I am able to do this by hash table and manually mapping 我可以通过哈希表和手动映射来做到这一点


and doing the following 并执行以下操作

$something.Keys | sort |% { Write-Host $_ ")" $something.Item($_) }
[int32]$constuctPayload.Action = Read-Host

but if need to perform this using an array how can I do this. 但是如果需要使用数组执行此操作,该怎么做。 Ie looping over the item and displaying with index for user selection. 即遍历该项目并显示索引以供用户选择。 ?

You could use the IndexOf() method, to find the index in the array. 您可以使用IndexOf()方法在数组中查找索引。

$something | ForEach-Object {Write-Host "$([Array]::IndexOf($something, $_)). $_ "}

Standard warning about being careful with Write-Host . 关于警告Write-Host标准警告。 Also you might want to look into Out-GridView . 另外,您可能需要查看Out-GridView

Use a for loop to iterate over the elements of the array and prepend each value with the index + 1. 使用for循环遍历数组的元素,并为每个值加上索引+ 1。

$something = 'first', 'second'

for ($i = 0; $i -lt $something.Count; $i++) {
    Write-Host ('{0}. {1}' -f ($i+1), $something[$i])
[int32]$constuctPayload.Action = Read-Host -Prompt 'Selection'

I would recommend using the PromptForChoice() method over Read-Host , though: 我建议通过Read-Host使用PromptForChoice()方法:

$something = '&first', '&second'

$title   = 'The title.'
$msg     = 'Selection?'
$choices = $something | ForEach-Object {
    New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription $_
$options = [Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]] $choices
$default = 0

$constuctPayload.Action = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $msg, $options, $default)

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