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Acquia Dev Desktop 2极其缓慢

[英]Acquia Dev Desktop 2 extremely slow

I need help with Acquia Dev desktop 2 . 我需要Acquia Dev桌面2的帮助。 The Drupal multisite on my localhost is extremely slow and I have searched all over the internet for help on this. 本地主机上的Drupal多站点 非常慢 ,我已经在互联网上搜索了这方面的帮助。

I also tried running FastCGI which is the default by it keeps crashing each time i click on a link. 我也试过运行FastCGI ,这是默认情况下每次点击一个链接时都会一直崩溃。

It's running Apache 2, PHP 5.6. 它正在运行Apache 2,PHP 5.6。

Please see screenshot for the version: 请查看版本截图:


Any help to improve the speed will be greatly appreciated. 任何帮助提高速度将不胜感激。

I switch from FastCgi, though it is set as default. 我从FastCgi切换,虽然它被设置为默认值。

Looks like you are on a Windows machine. 看起来你在Windows机器上。

Locate the httpd.conf in C:\\Program Files (x86)\\DevDesktop\\apache\\conf\\httpd.conf 在C:\\ Program Files(x86)\\ DevDesktop \\ apache \\ conf \\ httpd.conf中找到httpd.conf

Add the following lines. 添加以下行。

AcceptFilter https none
AcceptFilter http none
EnableSendfile Off
EnableMMAP off

Save and restart on App. 在App上保存并重新启动。

Turning off EnableMMAP, EnableSendfile helped me. 关闭EnableMMAP,EnableSendfile帮助了我。

You can read up on these Apache mods https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/core.html 你可以阅读这些Apache mods https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/core.html

Hope this helps 希望这可以帮助

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